Dread Cthulhu

FDOC's government conspiracy also had Jim Stansel, so I think it was worth it overall. 10YA's payoff is Reagan's abusive dynamic with Bush Sr., which is pretty funny but not worth the time imo.

No! He's a great jerkass in Step Brothers, lovable nerd in Parks & Recreation, and relatable straight man in Party Down. That's three kinds of roles!

I think First Day is full of actually hilarious gags, and Showalter isn't even a big part of it compared to the movie. Try again!

Their treatment of Stannis's character is a nice distillation of this issue. Show Stannis is Corrupt Man Seeking Power instead of Incorruptible Man Seeking Justice — but the latter is a far more interesting balance of right and wrong.

It seems like the start of the illness coincided with Chuck's behind the scenes refusal to let Jimmy into HH&M as a lawyer, and if I remember correctly the symptoms got worse after Jimmy confronted him towards the end of Season 1.

Yeah, it's one of the rare great shows that gets exactly as much attention as it deserves.

But this was shot before the Brink aired its first season. It always had room at HBO.

Why would this show have anything to do with The Brink?

It was a strange feeling, as characters died off one by one, to think "hell yeah, Goggins is still alive"

Yeah, his character is still being written with some ambiguity. It's just frustrating that they're not putting the narrative work in to give him an arc.

"Great, O'Neal is coming back!" -everyone

Actually the Black Keys are bad. They're corny dad-rock sellouts that went from fuzz pedals to Ford commercials and also they're sexist.

Actually the Black Keys are good. Turn Blue was way too Danger Mouse-y but their other newer stuff is good bluesy pop and their older stuff is cool garage rock. Nothing revolutionary but very likable music. Also Patrick Carney wrote the Bojack Horseman theme song, which is good.

I think stating his problems with her as an actress civilly — and stressing that this was his work experience, and not necessarily a summation of her as a person — would have been fine. The way he went about it matters a lot. It's kind of a social compact to be respectful to coworkers in a very public profession like

I adore the podcast but only kinda like the show. Characters that are really sublime, surreal riffs on the podcast just end up recounting their weird character traits on the show, but the fun part was listening to them stumble into the weird character traits through improv. You can't do the Calvins Twins justice with

It's also basic professional courtesy for directors to not publicly shit on their stars.

Yes, he's been involved in plot but hasn't had any character work for a good while. Part of it was getting stuck in the extremely plotty and bad Dorne storyline, but even returned to King's Landing he's just been pissed off at evil pope and horny for Cersei

Knowing McShane was cast for this season but not knowing for which role, I spent the first half of the episode eagerly awaiting Al Swearengen the abusive dad

Jaime is such a fan-favorite because the of the shift from preening scoundrel in Book 1 to a decent guy with surprising levels of depth. It's a fun character arc, and one the show has been wasting for the past two seasons.

wow I missed that and thought this was just a starcraft article! you never saw that stupid post I made. it never happened