Dread Cthulhu

Yeah, I'm not reading this series but just this excerpt told a cool little story about Damian and who he is deep down. Neat stuff!

He's ridiculously good in Bored to Death. Just a delight to watch.

The Kitchen Brothers certainly aren't showing him how to pronounce words.

I was just thinking that Hanzee is Jean Baptiste done infinitely better (though it wasn't Justified's fault that the actor crapped out).

I see your Coke and raise you … (scans Wookiepedia list of Star Wars beverages) … Hutt bile.

It can be two things.

I believe that IG88's lore had him splitting up into multiple robot consciousnesses, uploading his consciousness into the computer core of the second Death Star, essentially becoming the Death Star, and then immediately dying to Lando blowing all the shit up.

I'm still waiting on the Neptr spinoff!

This should be a flashback in the new movie.

Such a great line! It may seem a little clueless on its face, but it's actually just a really honest and straightforward way to talk with your wife.

MVP Jmoyns with the complex spiritual concepts

why did this comment chain happen?

Paging Mr. Fastandsloppy!

Was any show better at bringing in new characters than Lost? Ben Linus, Desmond, Mr. Eko, Miles, Richard, Juliet, Faraday, Frank fucking Lapidus…

"Abrams tells Entertainment Weekly that the question “Who is Luke Skywalker?” is what finally sold him on being involved in the new wave of Star Wars"

If political candidates could be totally reduced to the enthusiasm level of their supporters, then yes, Bernie is an exact copy of Rand Paul.

If you're not smart enough to avoid confrontation with a group that needs to be part of your voting coalition, you don't deserve to be President of the United States.

Schwartzman especially is the master at deadpan readings of absurd lines

"Intellectual property"?

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.