Dread Cthulhu

The physical comedy in this show is absolutely hilarious. Highlights for me:

He's almost the protagonist of the series, which is hilarious considering that he basically kills children in the movie

When you're plotting out a rape storyline and thinking "how can I make this more shocking," you should probably stop and reevaluate the tone of what you're writing.

Wasn't it in the script (that Bojack never read and was also shredded) that Bojack would lose? I thought it was a situation where Mr. PB was playing a role but Bojack didn't know he was — which then escalated into a genuine argument when Bojack kept pushing back.

So is this about incest or

Old hippy dad: You are angry and tightly wound because of daddy issues. That is your character.
Tightly wound McAdams lady: prick

It's weird how, due to the conversational format, people on podcasts can almost feel like friends.

Jaime's trip to Dorne and Arya's training are both examples of narrative necessity — they're not exciting to watch, but they get us from point A to point B. I'd argue that kind of mechanical writing is bad storytelling, and a leaner, more impactful version of this season would cut to the good stuff. Let Jaime be in

It's certainly lost a lot in scene efficiency. Why did it take until episode 6 for Jaime to get to Dorne? Why did Arya get mired in a repetitive, joyless training montage writ large?

Yeah, I had a 60s/70s show and I ended it with Leonard Cohen's "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye"! I would think the college DJ stereotype would be too "hipster"/conceptual to end with The Beatles, anyway.

Is this a thing? Accessing long-ignored childhood memories after taking drugs? Because after my first edible I had a rush of memories (it really did feel like a rush — if it were a TV show there would be wooshing sound effects) and realized that I had been basically ignoring my past. Now that I look back on the

Ice King is kind of a dummy

I think it was just because Danny Pudi was off shooting a pilot and it was a convenient way to write him out of the episode. I don't think the format hurt anything, but it wasn't essential, you're right.

It was actually "Buzz Hickey Memorial Services" so maybe he's a funeral director! Or maybe he was killed off in a freezeframe joke. You never know with these guys!!!

Or maybe GGGG based his helmet design on Golb?

Plus the purely symbolic imagery of the crab in the pool.

"it was a 5 second thought from Jeff after he pointlessly decided to roll a die again"

His breakdancing career requires a lot of discipline.

"The Bong and Winding Roach"

Talent is such a nebulous concept to pin down. Why don't we rank the Beatles in more quantifiable ways, like penis size?