The Dread & Fear of Kings

That looked like the more adult version of Monday’s presidential debate. I guarantee you Blanton and Mitchell were making more coherent arguments than those other two.

When will school administrations and faculty get more liberal?!?!

“But it’s hard for me to understand why we have to go to war, why kids have to kill kids around the world.”

Wow, so only something, like, 10 million Americans are addicted to pot?!

Anything tighter and you could only wear one pair of panties.

How do you not do the Bull Dance after hitting that putt? Amazing restraint.

I was thinking more like Jim Brown of the late 50's early 60's.

Outside of Najeh Daveport, Steve Smith is the last person’s shit list on which I’d like to find myself.

I blame the producers who continue to schedule Hannah Storm on Sunday morning Sportscenter.*

Did the Tuscaloosa Daily News endorse Nick Saban for Alabama head coach 2017?!

I would love to see Mike Ditka and Colin Kaepernick get together for a face to face debate on this issue. And then I would like to see someone drop one of those little green balls of VX gas from The Rock into the room in which the debate is taking place.

This may seem like a crazy theory, but what the hell: it’s almost like he needs help, of which this is the opposite.

Yes, thank you for not posting that because it would have triggered all the times I played Mortal Combat. Hate those triggers.

Sorry, I’m not done here yet.

Thanks for the civility.

Perhaps the best way to help that child is by placing him into better (i.e. less harmful) custody, and in order to do so there needs to be a strong case for removing him from his heroin-addict parents, and to make said case they need solid evidence, and to procure solid evidence they need to take pictures of the act

Maybe....maybe by saying “we’re all the same color” he isn’t saying, That’s what everyone thinks...maybe...wait a minute...yeah, maybe he is trying to use his influence to get spread the way everyone should be thinking and trying to encourage that.