I’m A GrAmMeR AnerChISt i Do Whot AI Want!
I’m A GrAmMeR AnerChISt i Do Whot AI Want!
I suspect we might need two sides for this. No-one should be silent about this, and everyone who disagrees should say so loud and clear, because like you say staying mute is a failure. So, yes, speaking is very important
I know! I love it that Trump, Bannon and all these assholes had such big mouths and seemed like such a united front before, but at the first sign of trouble, they scurry away like rats exposed to daylight. Suddenly, no-one’s responsible except maybe Jewish folks pretending to be white supremacists. (which hello,…
It amuses me to no end that there’s this TikiNazi scum out there who’s balls are shrinking at the mere thought of being arrested and on the other end of the spectrum we’ve got these activists who are like “ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oh well, Better arrest us all then! We’ll make it a party!”
I never thought I’d say this, but damn, those youtube comments actually gave me a little bit of faith today. If they’re condemning these shitbags in that cesspool, you know their asses are truly outnumbered
That’s definitely true, and I’m sure as heck not advising anyone to trust the corporations. However, thanks to the concept of lobbying, the two dollar trick you mention also goes for politics.
I am completely mystified by this assumption that somehow the descendants of immigrants can’t be anti-immigrant? I mean...If you live in America, then the odds are pretty damn high that at some point, your family were immigrants. The same is probably true for the rest of the world, seeing as moving around is pretty…
NO! You don’t really mean to say that a century of unfettered Capitalism comes with downsides!?
Well, I mean, when your government consists of D. Trump & Co. it’s not really all that weird to start looking elsewhere.
Oh no, these assholes are Nazi’s. Don’t take them for anything else. They might be jerkoffs, they might be playing tough and acting out their CoD fantasies. But their actions, their opinions and their hatred is what makes them Nazi’s all the same.
Nah, don’t worry, this isn’t game over, this is where you, the people, change the game. You have your Nero now, but Rome survived and is still standing 2000 years later. Not because of this emperor or the next, but because ordinary people can tear down a corrupt regime and rebuild a society by themselves.
Simply put: education, education, education. Without being detrimental to the good people on this website, it looks like the US is crumbling under a lack of healthy scepticism and an unwillingness to learn about new viewpoints. When the governor of a state refuses to clarify that no, the government and ‘its’ black…
Dutch and loathing this. To see something that laid waste to Europe so horribly (from all countries, our NSB was just as monstrous) survive and thrive across the pond, it makes me sick.
Or just do what we do! Add another twenty-six or so political parties that each have different ideas, sprinkle them equally across a house of representatives and then watch them all squirm as they try to form a Coalition for about six months :D
I’m really curious what you mean when you say ‘Europe has been far behind the US on abortion, divorce, citizenship for minorities, the concept of monetary policy, and Keynesian economics’? Given that, and you might have noticed this, that Europe is not a country. It’s either a continent or a union of different…
“Yes, hello, are there any adults I can speak to?”
So this is what? The AP-class for swatting people online?
I don’t know who the hell he was talking to, but I know that I’ve learned to respect Turnbull a bit more knowing that his response to that very clearly audible jackass move was “Thank you for your commitment. It is very important to us.”
my absolute favorite part is where Turnbull spends 75% of the conversation explaining that America can vet the 2000 australian immigrants before taking them in. Trump spends the entire time being furious before saying but what if I were to vet them? And dear God, you can just feel the sarcasm splashing of the page…
I have been reading through both those transcripts, and man, is it comedy gold. I mean, my favorite part is where Turnbull spends a good 75% of the call explaining to Cheeto Benito that he can vet the immigrants before taking them into America and then Trump goes, yes this is terrible, but what if I were to vet them…