
he was really trying it with flipping the narrative there. I am sincerely wondering how many Trumpets are going to use the words Cosmopolitan Bias in the next few days.

I think we might be able to persuade the mariana trench to take him. If only because then it gets to watch this dude’s head blow up under some real pressure, not a half-assed slap fight with a reporter

The fact that this dude only lasted TEN days makes me think the mother of all infighting is happening in the WH. Trump wanted him, got priebus fired and another party (Congress? Pence? I’m not familiar enough with American politics TP say) stepped in and parried this Shit faaaast by scaramuving his ass out again.

This is definitely going above and beyond for a smokescreen, it’s more than the posturing Putin’s done before. Inviting the Diplomat’s kids for Christmas dinner after Obama sent his away, that was a bit of a jibe. Launching missiles at an empty military base and bitching about it, that was posturing.

Dutch high five for some decent healthcare! Now if only we could get Trump’s new anti-gay pro-life ambassador to skedaddle, that would be wonderful! 

It’s Cornell’s birthday today, there’s definitely a connection.

I was so shocked when I read it that I fumbled, dropped my mouse and accidently closed three tabs in my browser.

Well, sure enough, the Irish are friendly folk, and not averse to a pint, but when you guys go at it. You really fucking go at it.

Oh yeah, THOSE guys, I hear they don’t really want to be Europeans anyway.

Yeah, no, opening fire on your own people is the quickest way down to hell. I’m pretty sure that’s when the guilliotines get to come out and play again. I know they’re using watercannons in hamburg right now, but I would be shocked if they’re not using attack dogs and policemen on horses too. Nothing gets people to

To be fair, you should see the kind of Shit we get up to after a ‘friendly’ soccer match

Presumably, because writing that would require these fuckmuppets to acknowledge that women are more than just baby-making machines, which is not gonnna happen on so many levels

If I recall correctly the difference is that now gay couples that are married can adopt a child together, instead of them having to do it in the name of one parent.

Gratuliere, meine nachbarne!

Unfortunately, corruption and exploitation is nothing new under the sun, and at the end of the day, the UN is not a world government or a supreme Court that can easily overrule one country or another. Rather, it’s a cooperative effort between a lot of equal countries who hardly ever agree. (which I suspect you knew,

Heh, yeah, figured this one was coming as soon as I posted it. Between police violence and the unhealthcare act they’re on a silent killing spree, but I mostly meant pretty literal acts of war like Srebrenica massacre during the Bosnian war.

I’m sorry, not to dash your dreams or anything, but the UN is not gonna touch this one with a ten foot pole. Remember, both Russia and China are a part of the UN, and neither of those have what you’d call a functioning democracy. plus, the UN traditionally doesn’t intervene unless there’s a heckload of human rights

Look, I know you’ve elaborated a lot about it down-thread and I’ve read it, but as the daughter of an alcoholic who’s suffering from Neuropathy and most likely a lot of other undiagnosed health problems, I gotta disagree with the fact that Carrie Fisher didn’t die from the drugs.

Aha! I see, thank you so much for the explanation! the update in the post says that they’re going to retry, so let’s hope it makes it through this time.

Huh, what? I don’t understand what happened here. Maybe it’s because I’m not an American or familiar with American law, but how the hell did this become a mistrial? What happens now?