Hmmm, no, sorry not sorry, we’ve already got that spot lined up for Scotland.
Hmmm, no, sorry not sorry, we’ve already got that spot lined up for Scotland.
To translate from the press release: the other chick was hatched two weeks earlier another couple of vultures who were brought into the zoo in 2010 after getting injured in Spanish traffic. They (unlike the chicks) can’t be returned to the wild.
Dutch person here: I think Willem would do what everyone else does; just shrug and move on. Every year around kingsday there’s a million ads involving him. This year, I remember that they even trotted out Charlie Hunnam to promote that King Arthur movie.
God, it’s such a sad state of affaire when the guys hired to protect the people are too busy killing and assaulting them to keep them safe from a dictator’s mooks. My hearts are with all you brave folks who keep resisting this shithole of an authority
Thing is, I don’t think that the bodyguards do. They might have functional immunity (and I’m not sure they do), which allows them to do the job they were hired to do, aka perform acts of state. However, harassing peaceful protests doesn’t count as an ‘act of state’ especially not when they’re not directly threatening…
And Russia is not a fan either, not since they shot down one of their aircraft in 2015. Hell, they’re on the opposite sides when it comes to the whole Syria business
Yep, and that’s exactly what half of Europe was feeling the past couple of months with his fucking campaigning for a dictatorship. Goddang, I am so glad the Dutch government stepped in when they did.
I’m actually pretty amused by the way Spencer has ‘changed’ in the past few months. Like, I know, his disgusting Nazi bullshit was always there, but he’s done a full Hans-from-Frozen (or Gaston if you will) transformation from trying (and mostly failing) to look charming and likable to looking like a completely…
Gelukkig maar!
Yes! So happy right now. Merci à tous pour vos votes!
which is arguably worse.
I guess the worst thing a country can do, is not discuss these sorts of sentiments. Here in the Netherlands we’ve been arguing, fighting, disagreeing and discussing our immigrants almost non-stop for well over thirty years. Some arguing that we’ve lost the tolerance we were known for as a country, others saying it’s…
Berlin would never, and neither would Germany. I’m actually really curious where you were going with this? You could’ve ended at ‘swapping leaders’ but the comment of ‘he would feel more at home’ implies you’ve never even been to Berlin, and have a sincerely fragmented idea of what it is. Also, ‘she can’t be worse…
I would just really like a big damn sign that says:
and has a beautiful Tulip made specifically for her
We used to stan HARD for our royal family.
You’re damn straight he shouldn’t be, and I weep for every vote he gets, but speaking in hyperboles about how he’s taking over the dutch politics when he’s been here for well over 10 years is the kind of fear rhetoric he himself likes to use to puff up his chest and tell the world how important he is.
Excuse me, Putin got dibs on us, I believe. Trump gets to invade south America.
I think Putin’s cloning them at this point.
Wilders has already been in office between 2010 and 2012, supporting a minority cabinet of a right-centrist (Rutte’s party)and a centrist party, because he got the most votes but couldn’t gather a real cabinet willing to work with him. The other political parties refused