
Because he put his dick in her before her husband did. Don’t you understand anything?

Hey, once he fucks a woman, she’s forever his property, regardless of, you know, legal divorce and remarriage! Divorce and remarriage is just disrespectful, for pete’s sake. Anyone can see that, surely!

Man, men with domestic violence convictions just can’t get a fair shake in the dating world. Don’t those bitches understand his ex was crazy?

Or let's stop acting like you have to mourn just because you took a pregnancy test. If you have a late period and don't take a test, you don't mourn. Do people just every let things come and go anymore?

she has books! on a shelf! looks like a law library! who knew?

I thought I'd run out of fucks, guess not. Seriously, fuck that woman beating fuck and his idea that a man being a father to his child is a noble rarity. Fuck his stupid face for perpetuating woman as gold digger fuckery. Time to hate drink my coffee. I just fucking hate this fucking fuck.

That made me want to hulk smash things.

Seriously. Any time someone praises me for being a good father just because I’m there for my daughter, annoys me. That’s not something to be praised over, that’s what fathers are supposed to do. That’s my fucking job.

Shout out for use of “male.”

asking for supervised visits with a male who has a lengthy and public record of assault and anger issues seems pretty reasonable, imo.

I can’t think of any comments more coherent than this one.

Jon, you were brilliant, erudite, and just plain awesome. You shamed Congress into passing the 9-11 responders health care bill, you fed Tucker Carlson his testicles on Crossfire, and you gave birth to brilliant talent....John Oliver, Steve Carrell, and Stephen Colbert among others. You will be missed buddy. Your

I nannied once between jobs when I was 24. Whenever I took the kids to a play date or a party, the moms gave me SERIOUS cold shoulder, which I assumed was because, y’know, I was “just the help.” Shortly before I left the position, the mom for whom I worked told me one of the other moms had said that she could never

As a nanny of 15 years and I’m not quite 30 and I’m very attractive, I’m so annoyed by this article. Like, what the ever living fuck? I am not interested in your husband, this is so gross and demeaning and aaaaaaah!!!

I don’t know why anyone would hire a young thing for a nanny. I would want to hire someone who has experience taking care of their own children. We had the best nanny once when I was on bed rest when I was pregnant with #2. She didn’t have grandchildren close by and she treated littlepony like one of her own. She

Yeah, the nanny that Ethan Hawke cheated with and later married, while pleasant looking, is no Uma Thurman.

It’s never about beauty. Never. Nobody cheats just because someone’s attractive.

Here’s the thing: even if you hire what you think is an unattractive person to be your nanny, if your husband is a cheating dog then they might cheat with the nanny anyway. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Kids are terrible. That’s awful advice.

Or take care of your own kids. What a novel idea!