
Why’s that? Maleficent may be evil, but she’s attractive. Evil has rarely stopped a boning.

I prefer double-secret menus.

Jesus Christ, this boy looks like his daddy.

I love that man, I love that man!

Am so enjoying the late 2nd term IDGAF Obama.

this! It was understood that there were boundaries to my nekkdness. But yeah, i’ve seen quite a bit of my mom’s business. My mom too is also ‘the shit’

My mom definitely was naked around me and would occasionally take baths with me. But it was always very clear that this was okay because she was my Mom and that it wasn’t something that was for everyone. It also wasn’t like a “naked house” situation. It’s not like she was nude all the time. But if she was going to

ETA : This is one time I will refrain from apologizing for having an image post so ginormously big.

My cats bite and claw me everyday. I deserve it because I’m alive.

With mine the answer is always ‘yes’, followed up by “so what did I say”

Where are your shoes.

15. Get it yourself

I think I’m up to thirteen thousand for “cut out the toilet-talk” this year alone. Christ almighty, do these little shits ever give up the poop jokes?

How did you miss “Let’s go.” I have to say this close to a dozen times in the 10 feet from my front door to my car. If I don’t say this 100 times per day, I can barely get them to take 15 steps before getting all distracted


You chose...wisely.

praise be

I couldn’t decide which gif to use

oh SWEETFUCKINGLORD of course. White people of the South, you need to fucking stop. There’s nothing cutesy about slavery references, for the sake of fuck.

Belle Meade is the name of a well-known plantation in Nashville, owned by the Harding family, one of the largest slave-owning families in Nashville.