If fans are unhappy with how a game looks. It is not the fans’ fault. Stop Blaming the fans for having preferences. We are allowed to have preferences. We are allowed to express those preferences.
And what’s wrong with reacting to a trailer? What about the reaction makes it’Pre-emptive’ in your mind? People have been reacting to trailers for years, that’s why most companies wait until they have enough development to make a decent trailer (It can only be the company’s fault if they released the trailer ‘too…
Neither is guaranteed to spur a specific action on the part of Nintendo. But do you really think that buying something I don’t want is the best way to encourage Nintendo to make something different that I would want? No. That is nonsense. The people voicing their distaste aren’t shy about why. They’re very clear that…
If this game were released under a new franchise, let’s say something along the lines of “Space Federation Force 3ds,” do you really think anyone would care? It is so clearly forgettable that Nintendo realized that they only way they could sell this generic gameplay/aesthetic was by attaching a big name to it. I would…
Amen. This game looks like it belongs in the bargain bin at K-mart.
Or maybe if no one buys this game.... they’ll go back to making real Metroid games. And now you understand why people are downvoting this youtube video. Because that’s a much more realistic way to get a company to listen to what you want.