
She does the cosplay without any blackface = OMG, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!

Like a lot of people have said, I have no idea who any of these people are. I’ve heard PewDiePie’s name in passing. Never seen any of these clowns on YouTube. It makes me quite happy too!! Ignorance is bliss :D

God of Thwar!

Most definitely. I’ve owned (I think) every version of MK that has come out. MKX was the nail in the coffin for me. Never again.

Now THIS is the makings of an evil snack bowl!

This pretty much sums it up

No, I think you are posting this in hopes that they still start paying you again...

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Destiny related story on Kotaku. Did they stop paying you guys, or something?

Is it just me, or is she the female Christoph Waltz?