
I like the new 2-2-2. Tired of being the only support in so many games cause people being sheep. Moira will always be my murder medic.

So 9 years later? Or do we wait until people are celebrating something to start the complaints?

It’s sad that they think that doing something like that will change anything.

To anyone that craps on people who speak English, but it’s not their primary language.....go fornicate yourself with an iron rod. The English they speak is probably more proper than the garbage that leaks out of your mouth

While there is really no argument to be made on how some of the female bodies have been portrayed in many video games, at what point does the female body become acceptable?

I’ve never really been harassed. I think people are more shocked that I’m a guy, with a really deep voice, who mains Mercy.

She does the cosplay without any blackface = OMG, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!

That halftime show was painful to watch, I don’t think anyone could have saved that

“This article brought to you by a Ram’s fan” /sarcasm


...that’s all I have to say

You sound like you’re hanging out at the Oak in Trashcona :D

Like a lot of people have said, I have no idea who any of these people are. I’ve heard PewDiePie’s name in passing. Never seen any of these clowns on YouTube. It makes me quite happy too!! Ignorance is bliss :D

God of Thwar!

Now THIS is the makings of an evil snack bowl!

This pretty much sums it up

Is life slow over there right now? Seems like a lot of articles are being dug up and reposted.