
Will the Honda Engine Fit?

Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”

I mean can you imagine how online bullying would spiral out of control if Melania wasn’t there to stop it?

The only true way to measure horsepower accurately is by putting your car in a tug-of-war against a team of actual horses, and counting how many horses it takes to break even.

To be fair, when the opposing team can put Yu Darvish as a starter in game THREE, there’s..... Not a lot you can do.

Man, as someone in a hot location, screw leather in its many, many forms. Give me alcantara or cloth, dang it. Does not burn butt.

You make this sound like it’s a good thing.

Seriously, where the hell do you people use 1,000-horsepower? I have 240hp/tq and I never think, “I need/want more.”

Maybe I’m just getting old but the best cars to drive are lightweight classics with just enough power to help you keep momentum.

Old fat guy here. I bought a BMW.

Congratulations, Mr. runnersp, formerly known as t_s, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Harley which this lovely lady will deliver when she figures out where the handlebars are.

It’s amazing. You call Trump a liar and they say “no, Hillary is a liar” as if there can only be one liar in the world or we can’t be upset that there are multiple liars.

This deserves a bigger thumbs up than what Dave Ba(u)tista can give, so...

I really hope the overripe tangerine makes the mistake of trying to take on Pop in the media.

I really, really hope Trump responds. Or dies. Whatever.

If Donald Trump’s was 100 times the man he is now, he still wouldn’t be 1% the man Gregg Popovich is.

Fixing some lighting on the front of the Jetta ute.

Pardon me, but this entire digression borders on insane. Here’s a handy guide for anyone who is debating whether they should coast downhill or leave their car in gear

Wrenched a bit on the air filter box of my dd Panda and spray foiled the hood matte black. Also installed a power outlet in the glovebox of the diva and took out her rear bench to replace it with black vinyl panels for additional rally vibe. And last but not least, fixed her fuel leak... After which it was time to

Here’s what I am working on. Who wants to buy a vowel for $500?

Their Klinsmann is a player, our Klansman is a president. Take that Germany!

When Germans say “Hey, you’re going a little heavy on the nationalism there,” it’s time to take stock.