
I haven’t seen an orangeman cause this much chaos for the national scene since every day this year.

“Ya think she would mind me snacking inside the other half of her bikini?” 

Claim your prize at customer service on your way out the door, Jeff.

Congratulations, Mr. PatBateman, Mr. 6Stringtheory and Mr. Patrick George, on COTD! I would like to gift you all with a convertible which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she finishes her snack.

The flag is just like the Bible and Jesus to them. They care more about the symbols than what those symbols represent.

a. If life begins at conception, can I move my birthday 9 months earlier? That’ll let me retire sooner.

Surprisingly, the people who whine the most about everything being, “politically correct” and “snowflakes”, are in fact the biggest pussies out there.

It’s the other people the ones who have to live up to their “Christian” standards, not them, because they can always ask Jesus for forgiveness, while the rest of us “godless liberals” can’t.

The idea that the majority is somehow persecuted always confuses me. Like, oh how brave! You are standing up for something that half of the country already fervently defends and half of the country doesn’t give half a crap about! What a glorious stand! You are exactly the same as those Christians the Romans didn’t

Well, I think it’s funny because of the connection between the slang for undesirable high up seats and undesirable punches to the face.

The “Moral Majority” finally get the leader they deserve: a serial sexual predator, adulterer, thrice-married, draft-dodging megalomaniac coward who has admitted to never have asked god for forgiveness.

Best summary of the NCAA ever. RIP Jerry, the last honest man in college sports.

Don’t kid yourselves....... every school has easy classes. It’s hypocritical and a joke to come after 1 school when every school (including ivey league) has classes that students flock to because the word gets out that it’s an easy class.  They are an easy way to help your GPA and no they aren’t fake classes. Every

I’m sure you must all feel very proud that your basketball team got off essentially because it was found that your entire university was revealed to be a fraud and not just it’s athletic department.

A a student, I can assure you with will be chanting tongiht at LNWR. Fuck the NCAA, and double fuck them for taking so longneck to do nothing.

As long as no beautiful flags were disrespected, we’re all good?

Color me surprised...a racist act in a town known for 2 things: hosting the largest motorcycle gang convention annually and stealing Native land to build a memorial to US Presidents. Shocking!

It took four hours and 37 minutes.

The replay call was 100% correct, without question.