
Nope, even better idea... hook this to an engine hoist

It looks like he stepped down onto a towel or mat.

The teams were putting down mats for them to stand on in pit lane

I’m just going to come out and say it.

He’s Tommy Boy without the humor or redemption.

Mansplaining is pretty much an undefinable idea to that can’t be explained with a specific set of parameters or rules. So pretty much it takes examples of men arguing something with a woman when the man is wrong (or they think he is wrong) and call that mansplaining. They’ve never pointed out the cases of this when

Yes, exactly. Would President Pence effectively work with Congress to enact laws that I find reprehensible and fully counter to what I consider good governance and the good of the US populace? Sure, absolutely. Is he creepy as hell and would Mother as first lady make my skin crawl? definitely. Would I put money on his

Wow...I was there this last weekend, lol. Looks like I got there just in time. Yep, they were sitting out there on the driveway glowering at everyone. There was an entire family including little kids, standing in the street doing the whole selfie stick thing. We just took a quick shot from the other side of the street

The Vanity Fair article that was the source of the news says as much:

I’m hoping that they nominate a bear that rides a unicycle.

Tell me when they take away his Twitter access. That’ll be nice. Otherwise, they still aren’t doing enough to keep his knee jerk reactions from showing.

Now that I think about it, Twitter is probably the only thing that is keeping him “sane” (a part of me just died writing that). At least on Twitter he can feel

He will.. Cheetolini believes in a scorched earth policy.. (If I go down, you ALL go down)

I’m all for Trump going down in flames, as long as he doesn’t take us all with him.

Is there a take on this other than Foerster is/was a dumb besotted older dude with substance issues that got fucked over massively by a stripper (presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown) who’s now trying to make it out to be some noble political act?

This is some cruel shit. Some dumb shit too. But the cruelty

Yep. This has long grown out of hand and it’s becoming pretty obvious that social networks - at least in their current shape - were a major mistake.

Seriously. Why in the fuck are people so eager to turn over every single detail of their lives to an advertising company?

Almost makes me want to get a facecrook account just so I can delete it. 🤗

So agree. Never had an account and never will.

The world would be a better place if everybody deleted their Facebook account.

Hope springs eternal. Impeachment requires a majority of the House to impeach then 2/3 of the Senate to convict. Conviction = removed from office. Clinton was impeached by the R House and acquitted by the D Senate. Clinton, though impeached, was not removed from office because not convicted. I’m sorry Schoolhouse Rock