
I have no self pity. I’m not getting into it AGAIN, but if people find equality offensive, they may need to analyze themselves.

Don’t worry, I’ve already been educated as to how horrible of a human being I am. I will be killing myself as soon as I clock out this afternoon. Sorry I had to wait so long, I just thought it would be silly to end it as selfishly as I have been living my entire life.

Those are some fat featureless people in that top photo.

That’s funny, because I remember meeting some of the most fun PoC I’ve ever known while living in Raleigh (this coming from someone who grew up in Chicago), and I think I got more flak for being a “Yankee” than I ever heard anyone of color getting from anyone white. Now, I will admit, you get too far outside of the

I will admit that’s a huge issue I have with new cars. I rotate through a fair number of cars, and the keys are a nightmare. The fobs are so big, they don’t go well on the ring with the very minimal amount of other keys I carry, and there is no ignition to put them into, so they end up in my pocket while I drive,

Raleigh is the shit!

Because this racial divide is never going to close.

This has been a major beef of mine with American soccer for a while now. The American soccer snobs think everything has to be the same here as it is in Europe. Don’t you think people here might warm to the game a little more if people weren’t so uptight about the word usage? You can call it a jersey, you can call it

Oh dear how you’re living my 19yo dream. When I was a kid I grew up around the motorcycle industry and the 900RR was the apple of my eye. the summer before I graduated HS I convinced my dad to let me buy a bike. I looked through every Cycle Trader and newspaper I could get my hands on. Every time we would end up at or

I understand your point, but I fully support my own employees, especially if it is something that they feel is of significant importance. They still need to be respectful of the customer and the workplace, but if there is something happening and they want to bring awareness, they are more than welcome to wear ribbons

They’re making more money off the servicing than the sales. You probably won’t get the salesman who didn’t make the deal to come chat with you in the lounge, but the service adviser will be more than happy to take care of your car when it comes into the service drive.

Ugh, please with the all lives matter. We both know what those people really are, and that that isn’t the statement I am making.

I have also been finding myself bored with horsepower. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun for some hooning from time to time, but it unusable and unneeded for 90% of my life now. A car with good feel and somewhere between the mid 200-300hp range is more than enough.

But isn’t that the point, trying to get rid of the notion of supremacy by any individual group of people? The supremacy of any one group will always lead to the oppression of another.

He also choked her, which I would say is probably just the next neighborhood over in Degradingtown, and N worded her, which is probably spittings next door neighbor. We all know Russell Crowe is a grade A turd and has been basically since we have known he existed.

Give me a sack of shrooms and I’ll play you some CCR.


I understand that a lot of the worlds ills are racially motivated, but our reason for being appalled at these actions doesn’t have to be racial as well. If someone said the above statement in the tone used in the interview, but said it was a black man spitting on a white woman, we would assume the person saying it was

I have to admit I understand his dedication, and he may have even topped myself. Myself being a Hansa Rostock of the German 2nd/3rd league fan because of their nice colored jerseys in FIFA 08.

I listen to all the insanity everyday.