
This is so spot on.

So the Germans have a Klinsmann and we have a Klansman

One of your all time best $kay.

Glad to see I’ve made the right decision about football.

As soon as he was set down onto the wet pit lane, his shoes were wet. A total waste.

I’m glad that it isn’t only my dad.

I mean, it is a little suspicious that we all basically have access to the answers to any questions we could ever fathom in the palms of our hands, and yet I also have this sense that we are in the midst of some kind of new dark age.

Maybe they shouldn’t have bought a house that was a pretty famous set from a very famous TV show, or maybe they should sell it.

That’s what I was thinking.

I don’t even care about redistribution. If we can straighten things out so that a wealthy person doesn’t perpetually feel the need to squeeze every last ounce of life from the lower class people in society would be a great change. The wealthy who feel the need to endlessly stack more wealth on the backs of people who

The head of the Church of Scientology?

I had no interest until you mentioned Margot Robbie, and a bad British accent.

Me too. Can you imagine how awesome that song would have been?

The problem is that his base is mobile. 81% of America didn’t vote for him, and of those 81% there is a very very slim number that would vote for him. I have a very hard time believing that there were people eligible to vote, that would vote for Trumpy, that didn’t vote for him. His base got out there to vote because

I know this is going to sound a little odd, but this is how I felt back in the day with 50 Cent. He was a bad rapper that a lot of tasteless people liked. When all the crazy rap beef was going on in the early 2000's I thought for sure someone would kill him, and then he would be martyred and people would try to

The man is a legend. His command of the language and ability to bend it to his will is rarely replicated through history. I’m glad to see him cleaned up and the master of some of his demons from the past.

I don’t know a lot about him or his character, but as a lifetime military man, I have to assume Kelly has just taken it upon himself to make sure shit doesn’t totally hit the fan on his watch. He was sworn to protect this nation from enemies no matter where they come from.

I would have maybe agreed if you didn’t put it into quotes and told me Dan Neil said it.

I beg to differ Ms $kay.

I traveled through major airports a few times a week for years. I always knew that the people working there were generally incompetent.