
What did the repair shop think it was repairing, a Corvette?

Ever since I played FIFA 2008, every soccer game I watch is being commentated by Martin Tyler and Andy Grey.

When I was a kid my mom used to drive across town because she absolutely refused to pay $1 for a gallon of gas.

I find it a little sad for Elon that he is going to do a lot of the shifting of people’s minds when it comes to the viability and culture of electric vehicles. Some of these larger manufacturers are going to come in and swoop up a lot of his market share.

It’s sad, because if you ever hear any of their corporate people talk about it, they are very proud and it represents nearly 100yrs of their heritage.

The one pictured is Atomic Silver, or as I like to refer to it, Millenial Beige.

I do pretty regularly.

Late night in a corn field surrounded college town after their homecoming football game. The Five Hundred bested all other sedans attempting to make it from parking lot to county highway, by way of farm field.

I always hated these cars.

Which is exactly the argument I used when talking to anyone about Trump before the election. I asked anyone interested to show me one example of him being selfless, giving or even nominally kind to anyone. They could take as long as they wanted to give me even one example.

If he wins on Dale Jr Day, it should be ordained.

I would buy the NFL season ticket if that game was broadcast.

I understand the statistics behind it, but I’m just shocked at the terrible luck of getting both of your parents worst traits.

I thought the same thing. When I saw him take off the hat and hand it to someone, my first thought was “Don’t worry about the hat, it’s not going to fit after your head is knocked out of shape by this large ass man.”

Oh dear.

Excuse me ma’am. There’s no reason to buckle up, this is a school bus.

What Gen would that be? III, IV, V?

When I first looked at the picture at the top of the page, I couldn’t help but think, “Someone should drive by and toss out a stick of dynamite or a hand grenade or something. Please come protest like this in Chicago.”

Thanks Jacque Jones.

Also the people who pull up to the first pump and then block people from getting in the pump in front of them.