
Don't get me wrong, Cumberbatch is freakin' amazing, and he did wonderful stuff with the part (even if the part was unevenly written)... what we're saying is that, despite having been played by a Mexican actor and a British actor, Khan is an Indian character (just watch Space Seed, Montalban is totally presented as if

Nah, honestly at this point I don't care about canon (Unless we are talking about changing a character's ethnicity, which does peeve me), and the fact that they found him early makes sense with the explanation they gave. Canon is the least of the films problems.

Dude! I said exactly this when I got out of the theatre. SRK would've been awesome, Hrithik or even John Abraham too, if they wanted to go younger. I got called a racist 'cos "I'm just projecting a racial identity on a guy purely because off his name". (Or, y'know his canonical history, but whatevs)

"The question asker fits into a third category: Star Trek fans who are dicks, refuse to appreciate the appreciable, and pick everything apart, occasionally making decent points, but more often railing about something trivial, unimportant, or something they either obviously don't understand or are being knowingly

"Yeah, I assume the career switch is Eric Bana’s fault."

Rob, I love your FAQs.

Benedict Cumberbatch made a great villain no matter what his name was. Thoroughly enjoyed.
But I did feel quite pandered to as a longtime Trek fan, and I didn't like it. Could've been a completely new fabulous story.