
Well, I just bought two chargers on sale through Amazon - just a pity the one advertised up top here isn’t a Prime item.

Well, I just bought two chargers on sale through Amazon - just a pity the one advertised up top here isn’t a Prime

Let me guess, he was the Series Director on the US Prime Suspect!

OTOH, he probably spent the rest of his life telling everybody about the time he fought Bruce Lee - and lived!

@the ghost of eazy e - sorry, but the movie’s script is a third-rate Eurospy Thriller, complete with hamming villainy...and a Big Scene Where The Brother Gets It. Not that John Saxon didn’t level up in badass in that movie - I’m sure it’s just a trick, but that jumping to his feet from lying on his back still looks

The parody version in Kentucky Fried Movie with Evan Kim and Han Bong Soo was actually an improvement, fight wise.

Brandon Lee had a different type of appeal than his Dad - he didn’t have the same cocksure sense of self and Bring It On! Badassness. Brandon, had he lived, would have probably been more of a darkly romantic antihero figure, brooding between fights - he had the haunted handsomeness of a young Timothy Dalton, and his

Okay, then - why is it that NOBODY can do a decent Bruce Lee biopic?

With the exception of Tom Cruise, many Hollywood stars are taller than normal people. Clint Eastwood and Ben Affleck are 6'4", Nathan Fillion and Ryan Reynolds are 6'2", Bruce Campbell and Henry Cavill are 6'1", Arme Hammer and Duane Johnson are 6'5"....

TaumpyTearrs, most of the action tropes in PoI got to be almost comic by the middle of the third season: Reese walking into a bar cricking his neck, which you KNEW meant some mope was going be hurled through the front window a minute later; a two-shot inside a car shot through the passenger side window, which always

I know, Powerthirteen! I had hopes that, just once, Hollywood wouldn’t backstop Dick Cheney’s “Torture Works” wheeze, by showing a character torture a mope for information - and almost get his fool ass killed because the mope told him what he wanted to hear rather than what he needed to.

Actually, Laura M. Browning, it’s horrible so far. My comments are “Moderated” even though it’s linking from my old Kinja account attached to my FB Account (which I’d really rather not do!), I can’t find my old posts or replies - and the layout reminds me of the time a friend of my niece’s tried updating her site by

Apparently we do, Dr. Rumak - and Palmer’s right,

Stharker! Zis ist KAOS! Ve don’t -

@goldfarb, that's certainly what Alex Lindsay of Pixel Corps, aka "VFX Sweatshop", believes! Listen to him brag about how CHEAPLY he can get effects work done in Kenya or Nigeria on MAC BREAK or MACBREAK WEEKLY sometime....

And MBA types have done such a GREAT job with the US Economy too, xyzzy12345!

Excellent idea on Carter's part, OmarGone!

Best way to get people to forgive Deen for her actions? Would be to perform some Genuine acts of contrition....

lulzykins, I kind of wonder that one myself - and I'm a White Straight Man!

I love STARCRASH - it's hands down the Best Bad Movie ever. Every time I watch it, I'm in stitches at how completely, sincerely ridiculous it is - and how clear it is that Luigi Cozzi went and stuffed every scene he ever wanted to pay homage to whether it fit or not!

Eridani - no matter what you say, it really sounds like, at core, you're slut-shaming, and that's not right. Women have enough problems with gender identity without other women (or men!) getting all self-righteous (and sounding suspiciously Puritanical) on them.

Sorry, KevinGarcia - I'm not being clear. I know Hrithik Roshan can play complex and villainous roles! I've seen GUZAARISH, and JODHAA AKBAR, ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA and KOI... MIL GAYA, so I recognize his range as an actor.