
No, sorry. Not after what Dr Pepper/Snapple did to Dublin Dr Pepper.

Ahh, BK. Back to the “we’re better than McDonald’s honest we are” ads.

slave labor: labor that is coerced and inadequately rewarded.

This.  To any sane person, saying that a person who accuses you of wrongdoing is a liar (‘convicted of perjury and fraud’) =/= “I did not do that which I am accused of by this person”

You forgot to preface that with “I’m not racist or anything, but...”

So wait, you assume ALL Hispanics are illegal?

Why not outsource to the Pinkertons?

Why don’t they just try not being poor?”

Why all the hate over the non-stop commentator?  Obviously everyone is watching just for her witty insight and thoughtful asides.

percentage of no parts repaired or replaced

Apparently, he had been previously dealt with.

So when said reader “accidentally” texted his junk to his MIL, was there music playing? Did this music feature a 70's guitar with a wah pedal?

Polarizers are very useful for any photos where bright reflected light may be a problem. Water (lakes, seas), windows reflecting the sun, etc., etc.

She should probably try Spanish first with anyone seeing as how she has missed many of the idiosyncrasies of English.  Or do I owe her an apology?  Lo siento.

Why not build a couple thousand feet and just move it around to wherever dolt 45 is looking?  Problem solved.

I would like to word this very carefully...nowhere is there any indication she acted on these statements. YES, that’s an utterly idiotic thing to post, but it WAS six or seven years ago.

I was being a little more general about seltzers, and not coconut water in particular.  Not that I have any use for coconut water anyhow--OK, I guess I agree.  But as far as which coconut water I prefer, that would be “none.”  I’ll just let myself out.

No need, I know exactly what and who you are.

Sorry, but the worst flavor of New York Seltzer is several thousand times better than the best LaCroix.

Why is this story with a now non-existent video as pretty much the whole article (!) showing up in the drop down feeds in 2019???