She brings the store-bought potato salad. And not from Publix, either.
She brings the store-bought potato salad. And not from Publix, either.
Mrs. Miscavige has personally and repeatedly told law enforcement...
100% agree with this. All you need is Frank Gifford introducing the two teams and laying some background on us with this in the background, then the commercials before the game.
Try to see these things from her points of view
Sir, one followup, if I may...If in fact your statement was in any way factual, that “ten terrorists try to cross the border every day” is the implication then that the experienced guards and such working for DHS at the border just turn these ‘terrorists’ away, releasing them back to Mexico? Do they then inform the…
It would seem that Faux “News” isn’t interested in shedding the perception that they are now the de facto Official State News Network for the Trumped States of America.
I still can’t understand we’ve fallen this far.
You do know that you can emulate more than one console on the Pi using RetroPie, yes?
You forgot that tires ALWAYS squeal going around corners. Even on gravel. Even on DIRT.
Sorry, fellow children. There is no money in fixing climate change. It will not happen.
You know, if something in a movie or show offends me that much, you know what I do? Do ya?
That the actual “investigation” will probably not prove to be thorough (or even accurate?) ...not an issue.
This is stupid and ridiculous, not to mention how badly this belittles ANYONE who has been the target of a racial comment or observation. This is correctly identified as “white as f*ck”...
Z A X B Y ‘ S >>>>> CFA
More to the point: Why were no charges filed? Did the dipshit Cleveland PD need video review? Although that worked out so well for Tamir Rice.
You mean the ones who think it’s alright to assault other people?
I’m fairly certain he has no idea where or what Canada is. “Is it some kind of drink?”
You might read this and think it is absurd or impossible.
I’m sure that Ohio Right to Life is also active in supporting the children who are born to parents who can’t afford them/didn’t want them and couldn’t have an abortion thanks to laws like these, right?
Of course, she wasn’t working for the government when...what? Oh.