
You Googled it and found it at the exact same place I did, didn't ye? Well-played

I was wondering if anyone had gotten 'round to this one.

Oh. Phobe. I read through 80% of this article convinced that the movie was named *Phoebe*. Fine, I need glasses…


If part of your plan here with these articles is to motivate those of us who haven't seen the films in question to see them, mission well and truly accomplished. And honestly, all it took was the bit about Harold Lloyd.
And I didn't realize Warren Oates was in Blue Thunder.

"It turns out there are actually huge downsides to letting people get away with everything as long as they’re rich, powerful, attractive, and successful enough. One of those dangers is that they’re so used to getting away with everything short of murder, they won’t realize that they’re in serious trouble until it’s

The Act did deregulate cable, and thus screw over cable consumers, but:
"The act also gave broadcasters valuable digital TV licenses for free, as well as extended the term of a broadcast license from five to eight years."
SO, it also armed broadcast TV networks to provide alternatives to cable, by increasing the number

Nathan Rabin might as well go ahead and see this one…

"The Seeker", by The Who, is linked for me to _The Limey_; one of the few Who songs to escape the CSI machine. Ditto _King Midas In Reverse_ by the Hollies, which seems almost written for Peter Fonda's character.

Now that you've said "raspy-voiced", we'll have to throw in Lawrence Tierney.

You know…yeah! I'd never thought of that. Good call!

Not that motherscratcher Jack Parsons.

That, and Redd's Ronald Coleman impression. "Eef I wah keeng…"

Oh, good. The right-wing demagogues will have another shot at accusing her of starting a race riot.

“If Renée Zellweger no longer looks like herself, has she become a different actress?”
By that rationale, Lon Chaney Sr and Jr were both several dozen separate individuals.

Hatyrs wylle hate

So Twytteth hym natur yn hyr courages
Than longen folke to lyve-Twyt pilgrimages. hashe-taggeCanterburyFooreThyWynne

Lest we forget—the radio DJ whose mouth is all we ever see later went on to host _Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego_?

I've been hearing that in my head the whole time I read the article. But you know this.

So, I take this to mean that the Stonecutters no longer control the British pound…