
And several of this year's celebrity deaths seem to have impacted people to a far-higher-than-usual degree, particularly Bowie, Prince, and Ali.

Now, see, I took the headline literally, and thought this was going to be about the actual characters from _The Dirty Dozen_ going to Hell (and no, I hadn't factored in yet that most of those actors are dead). Son, as the kids say, I am disappoint.

She was the most ut.

Guess I'll look that up on my phone in a little bit.

This is why I still mourn Anna Nicole Smith. She knew what we expected from her and didn't try to go past it. Any theories she had, she kept to herself.
And, of course, way better rack than McCarthy's.

"Some roobot's glassed this wee lassie!"

I don't recall the name of it just now, but that series of essays you guys are doing about shows that lasted only one season…you see where I'm going with this, right?

Damn right. Rich Hall lighting a cigarette with the Chrysler Building. Surprises me they haven't gone for more of that kind of thing.

Mark Weingarden's _The Godfather Returns_ and _The Godfather's Revenge_ (2005 and 2007) are both great sequels, if we can allow sequels by a different author. I'd posit that we can in this case, because Weingarden is an excellent mimic of Puzo's prose style, but still adds his own touches, in the form of a po-mo,

Tower of Terror in Orlando needs to remain as it is. For Twilight Zone aficionados, it's a treat and a half, even before you're on the ride: the queue winds through the lobby of the hotel, which is full of Easter eggs that reference the series (eg, a pile of books next to a pair of broken glasses; one book is, of

It may well have been.

"That's me. Muzz. Amo. Amo Muzz. I've been sick."

Salut, Louis!
Now go get yer f*****' shine box.


Saucier than a direct hit on a Heinz factory! WOOF WOOF!

There's just never been another series finale to match this one. You've laughed for six episodes; now it's time for an outright punch to the gut. You can hear it in the way Blackadder delivers his last line—"good luck, everyone"—then the whistle and the rifles cocking and…wham.
As I understand it, it does great

We called it breakfasht becaushe…Chico needed the money!

Columbo was a Koren war vet as well. Just learned that re-watching "Swan Song" (wherein Johnny Cash is the Special Guest Murderer) last night.

As was "Rocky" Rockford, which makes one wonder, of course, if they served together.

That is an admirable and reasonable request; noble of you to make it. I wish I had enough faith in humanity to believe it might be observed.