
But they took away most of his stark tech except the suit itself 

Strange being an asshole and slightly irresponsible fits with his comic book character...

Yup! Jake gyllenhaal was almost brought in to replace him

None of these are weird

Not sure what happened but the writer’s subtly castrated this series because people couldn’t put down their phones while watching then complained that they could not follow the story. Not to mention Geralt all of a sudden has a whole new less grumpy personality now with less violence and sex.

Actually after reading the dateline article where the journalist went into what happened further he just sounds Jewish. He technically finished his commitment to this season and got the f out of there.

Do people understand that anyone can get reported to HR multiple times for very mundane things. He was reported for “hugging someone hello”, and telling inappropriate jokes.  He said he would stop if you actually read the article.  Writers on snl peed in bottles for years and never lost their jobs.  This sounds more

Honestly, my only complaint which is an ongoing one is that the cold openings have been getting longer and longer year after year which cuts into the actual show. If you have had the time to watch the cut for time skits, especially from this season it’s starting to become apparent that it needs to be cut back a bit. 

Eh, I think dorkin is actually annoyed that his quotes were misrepresented in the article by the author more than defending soft boy strong. Which is actually weirdly understandable? Maybe this journo wants to be the new lynn hirschberg and it’s coming back to bite them in the tush.

Also, this is not new information. All of this nonsense about him and his behavior has been out and about the media-sphere for years now. Why go ape about it now?

There is a reason besides they do tend to sign for cheaper than for than their American compatriots that English/Australian/Irish etc... actors keep getting more and more parts in major Hollywood films and shows. One they (FYI Kidman is American/Australian) usually are better trained than actors in the U.S. at the

Believe it or not he may come back I love the reason that the internet hates him is not a reflection of the real world 

No, he does get it. Did you read the full article? It wasn’t a cast member that put in a complaint. It was someone very young and low on the totem pole. They were offended by a joke another time even though he asked for consent they didn’t want to be touched...so, he said hey I’m going to just up say my lines and

Anyone could have complained about anything and hr gets involved.  Especially because there are minors on set. This happened to Whitney Cummings constantly. Getting called down to hr doesn’t mean he fingered anyone against their will.  He probably told an off color joke on set and a parent complained etc. it takes

None of that is true...

I casually ran in the same circles as Alec for years even though I’m his wife’s age and well you get it... the man and his brothers up until Stephen decided become a weirdo born again (he would have been better off becoming a Scientologist because he was a halfway decent actor at one point)...are just a bunch of

Scream it from the rooftops 

I believe Josie misspoke and her character is based on Lisa turtle and described by the creators last year... as kelly was dirt poor not really outgoing while Lisa was a rich bitch type like Josie’s character....kids r silly 

Anthony is the reason the show tanked in the first place.  Also stop casting this actual rapist!!! 

I don’t know if the interview of her admitting it was planned and got wiped from the internet completely but she went on Oprah and said that it was and that the sheer layer over her breast was torn away or missing at the final moment...