
I did not say he was a “loveable scamp” or what I thought he did was professional at all. His behavior in the workplace was atrocious. Though I believe it has been twisted over time to become something it was not. The man was not Harvey Weinstein or anything even close to him he was/is just a jerk plain and simple

There was no “new rule” created...

As someone who modeled and did some acting in her youth that’s actually the law...

He didn’t fire her the network did 

There were no sexual assault allegations against him which was my point...

I honestly think Lawrence hasn’t physically taken care of himself like will has over the years 

I remember Venus hating him in her 20’s  and calling him a whole abusive monster what is going on here?!?

I believe what happened with whedon was a 3 way dog pile of sorts and shouldn’t be conflated with something like this at all...


Disney+ in the states is more like a Hulu ad on so between the two eventually everything shows up especially if you have the larger package....we do get the bbc stuff on Hulu and Chanel four stuff on Amazon 

It’s all very strange. I understand looking at history through a new set of eyes. both Britney and Janet have both had nothing, but kind words for him. While in his twenties Justin had handlers and procedures who managed every detail of his career people need to get over this. This is the same type of micromanaging

Hbomax has been doing that with many of their streaming only shows since it’s inception...

He did what he could giving his position at the time. Janet was the much bigger star. Social media was not a thing then. Yes, white male privilege is something that exists. But, he was younger and had handlers telling him what to do at every turn. What was he supposed to do hold a press conference about her boob? 

There were signs from the beginning cho’s casting the cheap look of it all in a non camp way... I did not have my hopes up

It was def planned...Janet even said it was right after. Justin apologized and she didn’t...at the time.

They are filming a huge scene right now with helicopters who knows

None of the above... a) she became weirdly jealous which was an issue in her first marriage because of the time they spent apart b) Anna’s career and mental health wasn’t in the place she wanted it be and even after rounds of couples therapy it wasn’t working out c) she started dating Pratt when she was still married

He is six? Jack doesn’t have Twitter... the post was a whole bunch of rambling nonsense abt what a jackass Pratt is and the joke was not written well so it went over people’s heads so the general public thought he was being serious...

That’s not why they broke it off... she divorced him. 

His kid is like 6...