
When the phantom menace premiered people dressed up…this isn’t new 

In another article it said this happened in either 2005 or 2006 nobody can get this story straight 😂😂

She was either 19 when this happened or both Jonah and her were both still in their teens at the time of this incident because she has been flubbing about her Hollywood age forever and that is totally fine….

Some of this stuff people were def streaming and was just released 

The HBO/WB stuff came back via frremium channels they own w/advertisements that’s exactly what is going to happen here u can either watch w/commercials or buy the series outright 

The writers on the show have never met real humans especially real human children in their lives…

I mean they have to do this regal is basically shutting down almost all their theaters 

It is basically a modern Xena-ish/Sam Rami type of storytelling( visual exchange) many many women of a certain age seem to be getting that…

There was also a huge recession going on then….

There is one of the unedited scenes out there floating around for a Disney special showing the horned king being especially extra… from the early 90’s

The thing is mastodon is more like discord…

Cloud gaming has been around since the 90’s

He was encouraging people to watch and explaining how things work at Netflix

He was encouraging people to watch…

HBO has always been known for live action family movies/series…

I don’t have children but going to the movies as a family of four in nyc is very cost prohibitive especially with prices rising on all goods at the moment. Most of the insane complaints I’m seeing are coming from the Snyder cult

Hulu kind of does this even with their unlimited screens tier. You have to have one home account which is the only place u can sing into on a smart device otherwise you can go to town on phones, tablets, etc. 

These numbers which when explained by non sensationalist journalists add up to dead people who obviously could not renew their accounts post dying of Covid and business lost due to the war in Ukraine. Without these issues the numbers would be quite different.  

They are not wrong. I don’t understand why people are getting so annoyed.  I feel like none of these people have kids.

You don’t need multiple streaming services.