
I’m still shocked that sweet tooth is still going over at Netflix for how much Warner brothers wants for their IPs...they straight up canceled one of their most streamed shows without hesitation because Viacom/cbs/Warner has been trying to reign in all their products/up-charge recently and I called that as soon as

This!! I believe Emmy was also having fertility issues in the last years she was on the show which can lead to behavioral issues.

Many people I know working in the arts have procured fake vaccination cards and basically dare people to call them out or do the necessary tedious paperwork to find out which ones are legitimate and which ones are stolen and sold on the black market.... (which can be done with each and every single citizen it’s

Didn’t she have a stroke recently?

He is not.  If u watch the special Dave points out the hypocrisy of certain movements. It seems to have gone over certain people’s heads and also to have proved his point. 

Graduation by vitamin C is a total banger of a graduation song...there were a string of them there for a hot second in the mid to late 90’s with the black eyed pees just shitting the bed w/I gotta feeling abt 10 years back 

Same being young was awesome 

He was never being investigated for rape. A women he had an encounter with posted random statements on social media platforms and then she was investigated for extortion. The suicide squad was filmed a year before this happened.

Her father is/was Jewish she was brought up with both religions In the home

I believe she is Jewish in the comics 

That actress basically exclusively plays Jews it’s really her thing and she needs to find a new bag.

Duplass is not 

*coughs in moonknight

Uuuh northern exposure, I’ll fly away, kolchak, etc... what are you talking about also not fade away was the best twilight zone movie that nobody saw.

Correct, but Republicans gutted public broadcasting about 8 years ago and this is the result of that financial loss

I actually really like Blum. He was one of the first to speak up for Scarlett, to make it mandatory for everyone for every single person to be vaccinated on a blumhouse set, etc...he also seems to forget that he is kinda famous.

She is a producer on this movie it wasn’t only about paying herself it was about paying out her whole team down to people who make scale...hairdressers, trainers, etc...

Be cool was not well received at all Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated is the one which is loved to death. The newest show is weirdly a great throwback and the level of star power that Warner media is pulling with the guest stars is unbelievable.

Viacom got the rights via SKY buying the licensing outright they cbs/Viacom/hbo made a big stink abt it last year and would not budge on the first three seasons... 

After finding out why he was really fired it makes me hope Disney loses all the marvel rights!!