
Yea this author needs to stop with the slut shaming

They won’t

there are a multiple reasons. beginning with doing so would concede that the image is child porn which it is not. He also does not own the image and attempted to extort money from the foo fighters brand over it. When the man was told to get a job he threw a fit and made survivors of actual sexual abuse feel like

I guess dalton won’t be around this season due to covid which is understandable...

Sad thing is his brother is a better actor

Malek started off I family comedy he will be fine 

He probably was under contract to present. This happened to shatner when nemoy died. He had an event and if he canceled (in Judaism they bury you right away) they threatened to sue...which is why he only sat shiva and did not go to the funeral. If Rogan just turned heel it would have been more than a big deal. 

There are many people unhappy with this...

I know she is.:..her being in the tv show has nothing to do with Wright taking up the mantle of black panther or continuing on to black panther 2

Is this supposed to be camp? Why not change the lead character to Australian it’s no secret that Kidman is the worst at accents...

I do believe Twitter GenZ performance commenters need to go outside and touch grass once in a blue moon!!!

Eh I believe that’s mostly been debunked 

They did...

This was a pretty bad episode but I think Disney/marvel was/is testing out a younger shuri because the actress that portrays her as of now has made some pretty terrible anti-lgbtq remarks and not apologized.  The timeline slip is a really great and easy way to recast her

It was more than a year 

I believe it was mentioned once...And people can change there minds...

Who have not 

They film every marvel film in Atlanta and say it’s New York... it looks ridiculous 

I know Matt Dillon personally. He’s doing fine.  There are some others who have invested as well though yeeesh!!

Between the whole debacle with whalberg and the,Wanting to feel desired as an individual is valid!