
And that was heartbreaking

The internet it's a thing called the internet

He was supposed to be college age… not even a grown ass man get over it already

Yeah, it's getting pretty fucking annoying…I wonder what his reading comprehension score was like on his SAT's? That's all I gotta say about that…

She had a stint on how to get away with murder…she has been on this show a couple of times…she was on anger management for most of its run…she has 3 indie films coming out…and she Had a moment on the young on the restless for shits and giggles…

And it was taken off of Hulu for some fucked up reason

The reviewers have gotten a little more Uppity than usual here, gawker light??? (Gizmodo media which is owned by the same parent company), and vulture recently…vulture had a review of the latest fast and the furious movie the soley focused on Charlize Theron's hair that was obviously a nod to angelina Jolie's hair in


I am here for this show but sad we could t get both reviews for this and the path

Oh, I have responded to you before…
This was a mistake….

Was this your first viewing of Girls?

Why is Veronica wearing Forever21 knockoffs while Betty is strutting around in Alice+Olivia $237 sweaters…I praised this show initially for keeping the kids wardrobes down to earth….let's pretend it was a Christmas present or she got it off eBay….

OMGAWD CHERYL AND VERONICA pull back your damn hair

I mean this series is based on the couple that had that exact thing happen to them…so yeah I expect it

You also could have taken the PSAT's as an 8th grader…qualified for CMIT camps, advanced academics placement, etc…this was not all on your parents. your guidance department and teachers shoulder a huge amount of the blame…
I had a terrible home life yet took full advantage of these programs from a young age.

Or a shitty guidance counselor

I love slow west for whatever reason I find it calming

So good, my friend stillworked for Samuel golden at the time and I went to a screener high as a kite…amazing!

The critics warmed up after the first episode or two it got shitty ratings cause people even on these boards were claiming the show was racist due to the style it was drawn in
