
See above comment

Google racist moonbeam city racist, or some combination of that comments something something…you willl find soooo sooo much you will start a letter writing campaign immediately to your representative for mandatory high school art history

Holy Jesus!

Yes thank you…I was tired and didn't like the negativity

I grew up with children who went to Princeton at 11,13 ,14, etc….like more than one…they would leave halfway through the school day and take a short bus over to the university…one is most definitely a self made millionaire at the moment the others either started off life that privileged or are on their ways…do not

you could have taken the psat's and done gifted programs outside what was offered in your school…sorry if you weren't informed

what huh? live with foster family in fla cause he has no health insurance…you just lost me there guys…it's called familycare, medicare, etc…that is some white privilege nonsense that doesn't know how to use google…i am sorry jenny slate and octavia had to suffer for this idiocy…

i never really thought that moonbeam city was an archer knockoff…as much as a love letter to patrick nagel…while the uneducated masses called it racist and had it pulled from the air…ho hum idiocracy here we come

Because if lauryn hill or wyclef wasn't writing his raps wasn't shit…

Exactly what I was thinking

Season 2?

mostly white doesn't mean no "other" get a grip troll…

In New Jersey in the mid-90's the same thing happened then quietly disappeared like the metric system

People are dummies and no longer have any reading comprehension skills…it freaks me out to no end…

Last year there was a cartoon on Comedy Central based on nagel's artwork…. people were screaming racism cuz they dumb and can't be bothered to learn anything about American art history

Uh google demographics there are more Native Americans than black people in greenpoint

You are the exact reason why people thought moonbeam city was racist and it got cancelled!!!! Ahhahahhah

Fake papers

If Paige was smart she would be studying her way out of that house…she's an idiot

It is a reverse Luke Cage…it's marvels most watched Netflix show right behind Luke cage so yeah it gets better…all those raging articles about how bad it the show is going to be because Danny isn't Asian were clickbait bull crap…