
So, it's a given that Hardy's daughter will be the rapists next victim, right? And then he'll have all the guilt about forgetting about lunch dates with her and not spending enough time with her. (Just a theory, not a spoiler)

As a big tennis fan, I'm eager to see a movie or tv show actually get the tennis part right. Any filmed piece centered around professional tennis (granted, there aren't many) look like the actors picked up a racket for the first time two days before filming began…and that includes Dean Martin's son, Dean Paul, who

Damn, Varner…that was some cold shit. Love that the rest of the tribe were so disgusted by him.

Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying.

That's what I thought but Quinn's name was Peter so I was thrown by the kid being named John Jr.

Can someone help me out with a question? When Carrie was looking at the pictures she found when cleaning out Quinn's room, who is/was John Jr.?

Yeah I assumed I want the only person to be curious about this. Thankfully there are people like you who have enough free time to read all the hundreds of comments to set me straight.

How exactly did the tiger know which people to attack? Hell, how did all the various groups know who to shoot at? Not like they all know each other or were wearing uniforms.

The bigger outrage should be that it costs $50…for a goddamn cap!

Who knew avoiding military service was genetic?

He hilariously claims he overdosed on marijuana.

Sissy Spacek for Coal Miner's Daughter

Both The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Mary Tyler Moore Show still hold up today. And I still say she deserved the Oscar for Ordinary People. Thanks for all the years of entertainment, Mary!

If any episode called for a double elimination it was this one. John isn't as insufferable as he was in his previous season but he was a mess last night. Plus seeing him battle Katsuji in LCK could have been fun.

I want to know how the fucking Capitol got rebuilt so quickly.

I'm not getting the love for the David Pumpkins bit. It wasn't terrible but Girls Halloween and the Pet Bloopers with French narrators were my favorites.

I'm curious what kind of finale we might have gotten had they been given enough advanced warning. This season was a real chore, mostly due to way too much Maddie. The girl is talented enough but for every record company to be bidding on her? Nah. Glad Will got s happy ending but that Cynthia Davis character would

This show might be better if at least one person was even the slightest bit likable…

Branson is back, meaning this episode gets an A from me regardless of what else happened.
Okay, I was actually hoping for an entire episode of the wedding. And Daisy's assumptions about Mr. Mason getting the farm were really annoying.

This episode, while not great, was worlds better than last week. The scenes at the caucus and all the small town campaign stops gave me douche chills.
But can anyone explain exactly how all of the sudden people were confusing the "bitch downstairs" with Alicia's apartment? And since she is the Governor's wife,