
In Chandler Bing's voice: Could Franks' family BE any more stereotypical?
And could Asher BE any more of a sycophant? Seriously, I know he's supposed to be a bit of comic relief but his "but not me, right? or you still like me, right? or whatever he exactly said was just so dumb.

Damn…I was obviously watching a different show because I thought that was just awful. Other than the Coney kill scene which was kind of fun. I kept thinking that two weeks was unusually quick for a Ryan Murphy show to turn into a dumpster fire.

Having so many really funny correspondents on made me even more disappointed that Trevor Noah was chosen to replace Stewart. While I love what Oliver is doing at HBO, I really wish they'd timed t so he'd have been the one. But really there were several others I'd have preferred.

Propping Joan's corpse in a chair would be funnier…and I imagine the corpse has more personality than Melissa…

Ginger passing off her mean girl shade by saying it all comes from a place of love is such crap. Bianca showed that you can make fun of people and not be a bitter bitch. The funniest part of the whole night was Ru trying to make us believe this was her hardest decision ever. The other two never stood a chance and

I'm hopeful that Entourage does well at the box office so that HBO will greenlight the long-awaited Arliss movie….

I think he also played Jack's assistant after Jonathan left for a while…Grant, I think?

They've had numerous gay chefs in previous seasons and I didn't see Bravo bending ver backwards to let them win…so 'm not sure why they would do it now.

It's infuriating when Top Chef does a challenge requiring innovation and then eliminate the chef who was, according to the judges, more innovative. Granted they liked Gregory's dish more than George's but if the point is innovation, seems like George won on that count and they didn't hate George's dish. It's like

Until the doctor came in and gave Zeek the three options, I had a sinking feeling they were going to be told Zeek needed a transplant and that the Crosby dying rumors would come true and Zeek would get Crosby's heart. So I'm glad it looks like they are not going down that road. I do still wonder if Zeek's illness is

Lady Edith = Jan Brady. I can so see her as a child, whining "Mary, Mary, Mary!". And Jan certainly was the most likely to set the Brady house on fire.

Exactly my thoughts. They annoyed the hell out f me on TAR and I dreaded seeing them on Survivor. But I would have been really bummed had Natalie not won against those other two women.

"Upon their arrival, the chefs are greeted by Padma, as per usual, and special guest judge RON GRONKOWSKI, of the New England Patriots." Just FYI…It's Rob, not Ron…though I'm fairly certain that the lunkhead himself isn't 100% sure much of the time..

The only thing I can think is that Jaclyn was (wrongly) convinced that Natalie had pissed off enough people by being instrumental in them being blindsided whereas Keith didn't have any enemies on the jury. But in the end, most jury members do indeed vote for the best player out of respect for the game. Even Keith,

For 30 Rock, I'd go with Christmas Attack Zone over Ludachristmas. Jack and Avery's reaction to Milton's baby name suggestion and Colleen's "welcome to my Christmas Attack Zone" reading get me every time. For South Park, I'd go with Woodland Critter Christmas and Red Sleigh Down over Mr. Hankey, though that's a

When the episode first started and they were commenting on being the final 8, all I could think was how weak this season's contestants must really be if Keriann is still in the mix. And while I hated that Aaron guy, maybe this season needed him around for a bit longer just to keep some drama because it's been mostly

I'm all for a good French farce and I get that it's TV so suspend disbelief and all that. But seriously, nobody smelled a turkey cooking when they entered Jay's house? And nobody heard Gloria pulling those rolling suitcases on wood floors or her clomping around in her stilettos?

It's the last season and we're getting way too much of Hank/Sandy/Ruby. And the promos for next week looks like we're going to get even more.
I admittedly don't know much about Aspergers but didn't Max seem way more robotic this episode than normal?

And American Horror Story is 12 or 13 episodes and is in the miniseries category as well.

Howard Stern gets more interesting (and often hilarious) stuff out of George whenever he's in studio than pretty much anything this documentary managed to get.