Dr. Blade Runner, M.D.

Jean-Luc would often times feign the pages of his family ancestry book were stuck together when he reached the section on Tony, later claiming the pictures of him in a pool wearing a white T-shirt would ruin the mood for anyone that had an appetite - sexual or otherwise.


Gronk then put the breaks on the festivities, lowered the lights and became tearful while regaling the crowd with a personal story of how his father died while manning the first spacecraft that ever tried to land on the sun.

Classic revisionist history, Barry. Next thing your gonna tell me is that P.F. Chang never had anything to do with the victory over General Tso's chicken army.

He zoned out.

The extended version shows Incognito completely passing the Men's restroom and instead opting for the Your Mother's Mouth stall.

You can file this one away. Holtby really gets nailed when Emery skates the boards.

The only thing I see is a map of cell phone coverage for a bad Verizon commercial.


Menino then mentioned that he was hoping to get a hot Super Bowl of New England Channing Crowder to eat for lunch.

Cuban: And then I put in some old white t-shirts ... ha ha ha! AND VHS Cassettes ... HaHaHaHa! AND a bunch of hats I got from assorted 5K runs! HAHAHAHAHA!

*Wipes away tears*

Cuban: I can't believe I almost gave that stuff to Goodwill instead of mailing it to Lamar Odom. Ahhh ... memories.

And when not watching his sports franchises on the pitch, he's out amongst the rest of us slobs on the green.

The Wine Glass that Caused A Night of No Ass

To: PuntandDestroy@gmail.com
From: TraVacation@Angelfire.com

A Reimer Woman makes sure to let the grocery store manager have it for not honoring an expired coupon for a product that no longer exists.

Bogues: "Have you ever found yourself caught between the moon and New York City?"

Yao: *Silence*

The Coughlin GIF works perfectly out of context. Try changing the caption to, "If life were Quantum Leap, here's the confused reaction of 1800's plantation owner transported into modern NFL coaching position."

A sly and obvious homage to single A monster and .420 batting average holder, Kennilworth "Cotton Mouth" Trudat.

" ... they have emerged from the safety of the womb to a world of disappointment."

"I wasn't testing anyone. I was just doing what I thought was right."