Dr. Batman

Seems like this comes up at least once a year about this same “game”. the devs don’t expect anyone to buy or want to buy all this dlc. It’s a sim made for hardcore train lovers. Not really a game in the traditional sense. Most people into trains are into specific models of trains and would only buy those types so they

Because people with true food allergies can’t help them, and they already have to suffer through life without Reese’s Peanut butter cups (or whatever) and it’s just mean to make life suck worse for them. (Also maybe illegal under ADA because medical condition?)

Well in the US that would likely constitute a violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Allergies, however minor count and you have to make a reasonable attempt to accommodate without charging. “Reasonable” is a big key though.

If you were deathly allergic to something would you think it was fair to be charged an extra $3 for them to leave something out?

Also, I’m a firm believer in the policy of sometimes you offer free stuff to regulars as something nice. They don’t get to demand it.

Also to be fired into the sun: the first person who tries to justify the “$12.10+$3.90 = $15.00” idiot with some version of “but math is HAAAARD.” Nope. Just nope. An adult human who cannot add decimals is not adorably-quirkily-bad-at-math-teehee and not

I read that as “Soup R’ Crackers” at first and was confused/delighted.

Being first doesn’t make something normal.

I’ve been a bartender. When they say whisky, they could mean anything. And I’ve been asked for so much Jim neat.

Thank you, thank you thank you! I wouldn’t be surprised if the bartender was just trolling because the guy ordering was so condescending. Of course I also wouldn’t be surprised if the bartender was incompetent and the guy ordering was just marginally more so.

Thank you. After reading the part about the bartender not knowing what “neat” meant in context, I thought the story would make sense.

However, the bartender, hearing only “whiskey”, picked up the two most popular whiskeys in the world, Bourbon and Scotch. What on Earth did the patron want? Some Rye? If that’s the case,

Oddly enough, I can drink Jim Beam neat, but prefer Maker's Mark on the rocks.

Christ, thank you. The bartender was dumb for not knowing “neat” but the customer just looks like an ass for trying to look fancy by ordering his drink neat (because, that’s how the true connoisseurs drink it) and then not knowing that both bourbon and Scotch are whiskeys.

If you succeeded, you could almost redeem Gawker.

You are on a spectacular streak of being wrong about everything this week. It’s actually kind of impressive.

I don’t like to be rude online these days. I like having conversations with people, learning new things, and finding different opinions- plus how they formed. But here’s the thing: My daughter likes Superheroes AND Princesses. But she’s only allowed one “girl” aisle in the toy section- even Nerf’s ‘Rebel’ bow and

I mean, it could be because there’s no such thing as a toy for a boy and a toy for a girl? When I was a kid, I had a Star Wars action figure collection that put any of my brother’s friend’s to shame and my brother had an Ariel barbie doll he couldn’t leave the house without. I also had Barbies and American Girl dolls

To paraphrase Neil Fucking Gaiman, replace every instance of “political correctness” with “treating people with respect” and then reread the statement.

LOL! Actually it’s entirely politically correct to say TOYS belong to either boys or girls. TOYS belong to KIDS and any adults who like to collect them. Creating these stupid boxes arbitrarily IS politics and IS trying to force some sort of “correct” behavior on kids and adults. Get your facts straight if you are