Dr. Batman

Aren’t the kicking balls different then the regular every down balls? Pretty sure they are.

People will try to defend pizza lady. Take it from a math teacher, too many adults don’t fucking get fractions. I’ve had multiple parents complain that I was teaching fractions wrong. These people would insist that 1/3 is smaller than 1/4. CAUSE 4 IS BIGGER!!!!

Seriously? Forsaking Rocky and Bullwinkle?! No doubt about it. You've got to get another hat.

Felt too obvious.

Beer... How I have missed you for all these years. Ciders are okay, but they're not the same. This is very exciting news!

I really, really hope this will allow me to have beer again. Just one. Or even half a beer. Just a nice, regular beer like a Sleeman’s Cream or an Innis and Gunn Scottish Pale. God, that would be so great.

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious

Better idea: Get him to tell you stories and then submit them as your own. Keep all the internet glory to yourself!

(Editor’s Note: Bob must not have been doing the job for very long if he was mortified by that question, because servers and cooks say WAYYYYYYYY more fucked-up shit to each other pretty much every day)

Titman Fertitsa? Phillip Friberjizzer?

Now playing

But it’s still not the OG Portland. Portland, ME was named after the Isle of Portland on the south coast of England. Portland on the south coast of England is famous for a few things: a quarry which gives us Portland stone and Portland cement, a prison, a lighthouse, and a kid’s TV show about the lighthouse.

Satire is fortunately protected

In a post on Twitter by the official Star Wars account, they said the following: “Lucasfilm & Disney didn’t approve, participate in or condone the inappropriate use of our characters in this manner.”

Maybe because parody is recognized as fair use?

Parodying Star Wars is fine and they easily could prove it’s a spoof that is transformative and not intended to cause confusion in the marketplace.

It’s well within fair use since the images are intended to be humorous and couldn’t be construed to be part of the Star Wars franchise.

I think this falls under Fair Use because it’s parody.

...except that the turnaround time in most shelters (that is, the time between when animals come in and how long they’re there before they are euthanaized if it’s a kill-shelter) is really high, and the behavior exhibited by a frightened animal in a cage is not necessarily how the animal really *is*. Even the author

The thinking is that if you can’t control yourself when you absolutely know you’re going to be asked to pee in a cup, then how are you going to control yourself when you’re actually getting paid *wink* *wink* to play football. Basically it’s the Josh Gordon thing.