Dr. Batman

Daniel Radcliffe as what is most likely the most handsome version of Igor ever seen on screen

How come cucumbers implies land-cucumbers?!?! You are just part of the land based elite using language to subjugate oppressed aquatic species!


And what about sky cucumbers?

This got me started on anime

Not by worrying about what you and your 4 or 5 other burners are up to, that's for sure.

Good comment. Thanks—I'll correct this in the post.

2. A Baltimore Oriole

“Wait...you can trade players for...for HAM SANDWICHES?!?”

How would capitalism between islanders have changed the central facts that led to this situation? The isolation is the central factor here, how they choose to interact economically with each other on the island wouldn’t change anything.

Anyone can be good at math. Just takes practice.

No matter how bad any state is, Oklahoma will always be worse.

It 100% depends on where you come from. Maryland is like the last kid picked in gym class, no one wants them on their team.

Hey - I grew up in MD, and we had either 3rd or 4th grade devoted to Maryland history. We had to memorize all the counties, all the governors and what the heck that flag means... How'd you get out of that?

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

Looks delicious AND i love the concept of "4 AM cooking" type items, but I have 3 major questions.

Pinkham's Law: As an Internet feature discussing bad customer behavior grows older, the probability of people showing up to defend said behavior approaches 1.

No, not okay. There is a reason that the editorial and business sides stay separate. Without that division, then advertiser dollars take control of what news gets written, which is not okay.

I made this exact point a couple weeks ago when commenters were being obnoxious about a barista asking an irate customer what she meant by "coffee latte" rather than just giving her the caffe latte she OBVIOUSLY wanted. These things are often easier to figure out in hindsight than when someone is screaming at you.