Dr. Batman

Maybe, but maybe there really wasn’t anything available. I don’t know, I’ve never tried it, but don’t make too big a deal about a sample size of 1.

Social Skills Lesson! Different places have different accepted and unaccepted behaviors. Singing in a restaurant or a bus if you have not been hired to do so or there is no karaoke machine is an unexpected behavior. “Special Snowflakes” think they are so special that the rules do not apply to them. This term would not

I normally hate singing in public, but I think this is a special case. It wasn’t until my second read that I noticed that the place was closed for this event. Everyone who was there was either working or there for this group. Now, they might not have expected singing, but at a fundraiser for a community chorus I think

I don’t know. I’ve been pretty drunk but never that entitled. More than I normally am? Sure, but that much? Also, when you wake up the next day it’s gone. Her self-delusion has staying power. I would recommend an iron rod from a railroad through the skull*. It’s dangerous, but if it works you won’t give a shit about

Don’t overestimate the reasoning abilities of people.

Oh, I could see Joyce leaving anywhere from $0.01 - $0.10. A quarter, well, those are still occasionally useful...

A snippet, yeah, I can see that. But 30 seconds of song isn’t going to really hurt anyone as long as it’s done after 30 seconds and not followed by another and another. 1 time might be cute and fun. More is annoying. Something tells me that if these guys in the article only sang 30 seconds of Bohemian Rhapsody they

I don’t know. I think in Kobe’s mind his side-kick is the second highest honor someone can have, second only to being Kobe himself...

Hello, I’m an atheist, but I think your church sounds lovely. I also think religious institutions can, but not always, service great social roles in communities by bringing people together in a supportive way. We’re not all horrible! I promise!

I am an atheist, and I will say that the comments here have been awful. Originally your comment was the first I saw and I hoped that there weren’t any. To say I’m disappointed is an understatement.

When are they going to make a visual narrative based on my favorite board game: battlestar galactica?

Yes, but the end result will be clear after the first hour and the other 7 are just watching what is clearly inevitable slowly happen.

I will see it iff he finally achieves his goals by using the $10 he won by coming in 2nd place in a beauty contest.

I know it has fallen out of favor in some circles, but that’s not really saying there is evidence based research behind something. Just that some people dislike something. Saying it fell out of favor is a horrible argument because it doesn’t look at data but just the whims of some academics who can be very far removed

Applied Behavioral Analysis is an application of the Behavioral school of thought. The stimulus-response paradigm has been supplemented by the stimulus-response-consequence in most cases, but it has been shown pretty conclusively that this is how we learn. There is a debate about how to include internal thoughts, but

What if someone had to check out? Isn’t that horrible customer service?

I think it can if you’re really young or really old. At the extremes appetite is down. The last few years my grandfather would have half a sandwich for a meal...

Really? Behaviorists are, for a professional field, growing exceptionally fast. Behaviorism is different from other schools of psychology because it is research based and can actually show meaningful results. So, if someone wants to change their lives for the better, behaviorists are really the only place to go. (CBT

I know some old people don’t eat that much. During my grandfather’s last years sometimes a meal would be half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... For an old person I can see it. For a person like me: at least 1/2 lb of shrimp or gtfo.

Sorry, it was a small mom and pop indie shop. But they catered mostly to older rich people (which is why they are still in business I think).