Dr. Batman

How did you get a cold there in January? It’s not like the place is really cold with gale force winds blowing sideways rain from clouds that are present 24 hours a day. Oh, wait... When people say they wish it would stop raining after a few days of rain I tell them I went a few months without seeing the sun, a few

Well, in that job interview all that came out were awkward teenage answers. I have no idea why they hired me, but I also don’t know how you pick which awkward teenager you want to work for you. I knew better than to share those feelings until hired, and even then I’d just suggest that maybe other people’s talents were

Mine is missing his back leg and is considerably furrier. But yeah...

I have weird gaps in my memory, always have, and have learned to compensate for them. Like, if I’ve only met someone a couple times I probably won’t remember them. So, when I worked retail and people would come up and address me by name I would spend the whole time wondering how they knew me. It usually wasn’t until I

(I love small and medium sized dogs (and large ones!), I have a fifteen pound three legged mutt, but I also love Ron)

You’re right. What you said was

Reading compression isn’t a strength for you. I didn’t say you lacked empathy, I said you showed me little evidence you have empathy. That’s different. I have Also said I don’t like knee defenders. So, again, reading comprehension. Also, if you had read you would have realized that for exceptional cases, exceptions

Although, and I was young so I wouldn’t do it now, but a lot of deductions were based on taste. I’m more likely to deduct a kung fu movie than titanic.

Those statements are not contradictions. Telling someone to do something and presenting an argument or reasons someone should do something are different. I'm not telling you not to do something, I'm saying many people, including me, will think you're a jerk if you do it. I have seen little evidence that you have any

Look, I’m not going to change your mind. Just look around, there are many people who agree. And the thing is, being an asshole is about cultural norms. Just something to think about. If most People think it's a dick move, well, it might just be...

A better analogy would be, two people are held captive before a flight, you hadn’t been fed in a few days but your seatmate got three solid meals. You are each given a bag of snacks and your seatmate didn’t share. Is he an asshole? I'd say yes.

That’s a perfect analogy, next time I get in a plane I'll plan on being shorter. I never think ahead and always bring my tall legs.

I’m not trying to tell you how to use your seat, I’m telling you that a large amount of people find that behavior to be dick behavior. You can buy a hummer and drive it around all day. It’s legal. It’s one of the ways it can be used. But it’s a dick thing to do.

I’m glad that you don’t have a problem with other people reclining but clearly many people do. I haven't taken out a ruler on a plane like you have, but I can tell you that it feels more cramped when people recline and it didn't feel much different to recline. The article isn’t titled your rights on a plane. It’s

Is that your best argument? It’s possible and not against the law so it’s ok. It’s legal to berate a waiter, or curse at a child. It still makes you an asshole. You can recline all you want. It’s also my right to dig my knees into the seat you’ve pushed into them. And you can either purchase a more expensive seat for

Actually, as a behaviorist, I think you did the right thing. He shouldn't have the notion that he can get shrimp and cocktail sauce there reinforced, it will just make it more likely that he will try again. It's a good lesson to learn, even if he's learning it super late. I was just making a joke because the first

For a customer it's not at all. It's just for the staff I think. As long as you're ok with everyone thinking you're a stroke victim go ahead. (Pc police: there is nothing wrong with being a stroke victim, I was making fun of the lady who complained)

Why recline? The amount of joy you get from reclining doesn’t come close to the agony of having someone in front of you recline. We are all better off if no-one reclines. It’s the classic prisoners dilemma, where reclining is ratting something out... You can be the jerk and do it, but you're ruining it for everyone.

Well now you know why. You wouldn't want people thinking that you were having a stroke while sitting upright and shelving books as stroke victims do.

My favorite activity was restocking and rearranging. As long as customers didn’t bother me, and it wasn’t the kids section (I love kids and work with kids, but they couldn’t keep the section in order for more than a minute)... But it sucks that they fired you.