Dr. Batman

My solution to this is only having a few friends. Also, we don’t really go out to eat. If anything we’d just order food, but that rarely happens too... We’d much rather get together and play games or go to a bar where we each have our own tabs but also usually arrive and drink at different paces so it’s just easier to

Yeah, but that's just a straw man. I have no dog in this fight, but the claims that history is worse don't actually address the complaints... And I hate straw man bashing.

Fear of punishment is, in general, not effective at changing behavior. And the effects it does have are usually temporary. So my guess is maybe, for like a week or so. But probably not.

Drew, you can do what every other parent in America does and blame the teacher for the behavior of the children. Why couldn't she control her class?

I can’t tell if you are serious or joking... It’s sometimes hard to tell parody of Cardinals fans from actual Cardinals fans...

So, just to get this right, you’re saying it is impossible to compare one aspect of things without equating them and saying they have the same value? Right?

That’s a real thing in behavior science.

Have you explained why you won’t go to the people who call you rude?

So, don’t buy concessions! A movie is what, like 2-3 hours? Can you not refrain from eating for 2-3 hours? Or wait for the movie to come out at home!

What is the acceptable tip in states with living wages for waitstaff? Is it still 20%? Shouldn’t it logically be slightly lower because they are making more money as a baseline (which you are also paying in the price of the meal)?

But if you clean up after yourself you will warm the cockles of the theater’s owner’s heart. Your striking generosity will get him to uncancel Christmas and give away his fortune and ownership shares of his company to his employees as he leaves to help fight poverty in Africa.

Whoa! There's no reason to be reasonable here. Let's just back up and continue defending hyperbole as if it were reasonable.

Children aren’t bad. Well, I believe that people aren’t bad, behaviors are bad (or, more accurately, maladaptive). But I’m a behaviorist so I know that’s not the prevailing opinion. All I was saying is that children need limits and to have their behavior shaped...

But in failing to tell her you are now responsible for her mistreatment of others. Also, you’re now responsible for all suffering in the world. Sorry.

Honestly, my favorite movie experiences have been people talking during movies. My all time favorite was during X-men first class when (spoiler alert for anyone with absolutely no cultural knowledge) at the end of the movie Xavier gets paralyzed some dude yelled out “Yes!”. I respect your position, I just don’t fully

Would he not be up for a men’s night (assuming you’re a man, Ben Grimm is not a particularly feminine alias)?

Empathy and manners generally need to be taught, but children can and do learn. I’m glad it only took one session (no extinction burst!), but if it didn’t eventually that process would have worked.

15% was fine then. Not tipping on a discount wasn’t fine then. I remember the 90’s and $1 an hour wasn’t a good wage then. Unless it was the 1790’s, in which case that place was charging way too much. And I said he didn’t fit in with the others and that the tip was understandable. Something can be both understandable

I agree that he might not fit in with the rest of them. I can understand him not knowing that what he was doing wasn’t great, as opposed to everyone else who really shouldn’t be allowed in society. I just disagree with the notion that it’s not a poor tip. It is. It is an understandable tip, but still poor.

Why stop at terrible? His parents are clearly monsters that would make Pol Pot and Idi Amin recoil in horror. The Hague doesn’t have a category of crimes that would be appropriate for what his parents did.