Dr. Batman

Or, I’m a big hyperbole nerd but have never said “It´s like “I´m a huge western movies nerd, but i haven´t see Once upon a time in the west” or “i´m a big time christian but i never have attend mass neither read the bible”

I’m not trolling you. I don’t know if you know what that word means. All I’m asking for is proof of what you say. If you have it, that shouldn’t be hard. If you don’t then, well, I’d expect you to do exactly what you’re doing now. I have done some research, there are experts for and against this project. Many experts

If he was the only one who shot, wasn’t he also the first one who shot?

You’re absolutely right. I mean this kid is working with a team of oceanologists and other scientists... But as someone with a background in philosophy who works in a scientific field, I can say that you are completely right in that if you make a point it is up to everyone else to provide the evidence. How rude of me

The way the comment I was responding to was phrased, and the issue in general, absolutely is a case of politics. But, if it has been extensively explored, and I’m not saying it hasn’t, you would have no problem linking to the studies that explored it...

I don’t think that the name calling is necessary. Honestly, I can see his point. Some people ate more concerned with having an enjoyable working experience and team glory, both of which would prioritize winning. For others it’s all about stays and individual acclaim. But I think money trumps all.

Let’s say you have a friend or family member, someone looking for your approval, who has a lot of stuff wrong with them. Let’s say they steal, are rude, don’t shower, never are considerate when taking to others, starts fights etc. Now, one day he comes to you and says he gave back everything he stole and took a

I know corporations are people and all, but I honestly don’t care much about their motivations. If they’re making a change for the better I’ll applaud them on it, even if they’re just trying to lure me in. And yes, they treat their employees like shit. But if they do something good and we respond by complaining more

Maybe, but money being equal I might go with the situation that will make me look better, which would factor in park dimensions. I’m from Baltimore, but I realize it’s easier for us to attract hitters than pitchers because we have a home run park... I also realize it's hard for us to attract anyone because we have a

Actually, I feel that most players want to play for whoever will pay then the most. Honestly, if I was making tens or hundreds of millions I’d like to think I’d prioritize winning (which would make work more fun) over a few extra million, but that doesn’t seem to happen that often...

To be honest, the thing that bothers me the most is that it’s not “Star Trek.” The Star Wars prequels may have sucked, but they tried to hold true to the defining traits of Star Wars. They may have failed (I don’t think they did, I just think they failed at making good movies, which is different), but at the very

In the first of the Nu-Trek movies Scotty invented technology that would make warfare ridiculously easy. I feel like the new movies in general are too much “wouldn’t this be cool” and less “how does this fit into the universe/what are the implications” which I think is a tragic way of alienating Star Trek fans. I

The problem of plastic in the ocean is so large and diverse that it’s probable that one solution won’t address everything. I think one of the differences between liberals and conservatives, in America at least, is that liberals tend to criticize their own ideas unless they are perfect and conservatives tend to rally

I don’t think Nimoy’s appearance detracted from Into Darkness as much as the desire to line it up with Wrath of Khan. They tried to shoehorn parallels when they didn’t fit in with the characters and plot. Also, they completely lost the Utopian vision. Nimoy’s appearance was minor to me compared to those two things.

It’s all mandals all the time.

Why? I wear what I want. But what I want to wear is influenced by a variety of factors including my desire to be comfortable, my desire to fit in to a certain degree, my desire to not get written up at my job...

Going by your profile picture you aren’t a haggard old man talking about the olden days. But there really isn’t anyway to read your comment without picturing an Abe Simpson esque person delivering it.

There are so many confusing things going on here:

Not even the grey blurriness can obscure the awesomeness of Richard Simmons. He was clearly recognizable even before I clicked the button to show the picture.

In fairness, the run blocking in Baltimore sucked that year. No-one looked good running the ball on that team. Not that I would recommend signing him, he had been on the decline for awhile. But his decline is still better than Trent Richardson at his best...