Dr. Batman

As someone who has worked in Special Education, I would like to point out that there are people who are super drawn to inedible food and I have known more than 1 child who would, if left on their own, consume hand sanitizer. Maybe this is why we shouldn’t unnecessarily poison people...

For some reason this is where my mind goes...

The subtle websiteism of low expectations...

Yeah, language use and engaging in proper arguments/discussions are two pet peeves of mine and both seem to have come up this week... It’s odd. Most other weeks I feel like I’m fairly non-controversial...

Ok, did you read my post? I acknowledged that some people, especially in the mid-atlantic areas, mistakenly call Italian ice and custard gelati. An area chain did it, it spread to other local carts. It doesn’t make it the correct version of the word. So, saying that you know Italians in Philly who call that gelati

All the definitions I have found say that it is just the ice cream... I have found some references to the custard with Italian ice being a mid-atlantic thing, some more isolated regional things, but that just seems because someone misappropriated an Italian word. I posted links above. Here are some more. http://www.oxf

Haha, fair enough. I probably should take a minute to proofread my posts before going back to work. I won’t, but I should.

It was my experience in the 90’s that drivers were younger, but anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. My brief google searches came up with nothing (except a link to the imdb page for the 1989 movie “Loverboy” somehow)... But either way, people who have a lot of job options tend not to pick pizza delivery...

I understand your point. But if I told you to go fuck off, and then told you that in this post “fuck off” means “have a nice day” that makes me an asshole who doesn’t understand how language works. Likewise with Rita’s. Adequately defining your terms doesn’t mean that you don’t have to have any standards when you pick

Maybe they are responding to the many people who get it wrong because of Rita’s/other local places deciding that they could change the meaning of the word and adjusted due to customer’s expectations. While I would agree that two wrongs don’t make a right, and cheeseburger would be a more accurate label, the difference

1) They’re not wrong. Ice cream is both a countable and uncountable noun depending on the form of the ice cream etc. Think about water. You wouldn’t call your water company and tell them that they’re wrong and it should be “waters company” because the water that they provide isn’t countable. But if you buy 2 waters

Gelati is the plural of gelato. So no, not really.

Ok, thanks.

Agreed, but to me the justification came with the change in the order on top of her other stuff. If it’s busy, and you had to wait in a line, you’ve had time to solidify your order. She got to the front, asked a bunch of questions, placed an order, and then interrupted someone else after her turn was done to change

I agree about the hot food. But, if it’s really busy, just ask for some extra plates and re-plate it yourself. It’s an airport pizza place, not a 5 thumbs up restaurant.

Is this attitude THE WORST? Can you not think of worse attitudes? Or did you not believe that there was enough hyperbole on the internet already?

This is exactly correct. The second best kind of correct.

Weird. Embrace The Mustache!

Upon looking it up it’s Italian Ice. But it’s still not gelati and it’s wrong!

It’s not a judgement thing with McDonalds. When I was a kid I hated hamburgers and chicken nuggets. So it wasn’t part of my experience growing up. And then, in my 20’s and now 30’s why add it now? I’m not above fast food. I love me some Chipotle (which is or was owned by McDonalds!)