Dr. Batman

That’s a very disingenuous comparison. I don’t really know McDonalds, but noone orders anything like that (which is a lot longer than the rebranding and is just describing it) where as every other place has small, mediums and larges (which is the same length etc.). I don’t think it’s being a jerk to baristas. Why

If they were being that snarky I would be snarky right back.

On a side note, how does one get out of being gray as opposed to black? I think I am on one blog but not others even though I comment here a lot more than there and I’m not sure I understand the system... It’s ok if I haven’t earned it, or whatever yet, I’m just curious as to the process...

I appreciate you listening to feedback, it’s rare on the internet. I wouldn’t take the fact that he quit a few months later as proof that he didn’t need the job then. Circumstances change quickly for the young. Maybe they went to college or used that experience to find a better job. I know I got my first job as a roll

In defense of the fork lady, I am accustomed to getting forks at every store I go to. Starbucks, Target, Giant, Victoria’s Secret... It doesn’t matter. If I go into a store, I better be getting a fork!

I also order small, medium or large, but I never get corrected. Most of them don’t seem to care. Or they appreciate that I’m not wasting time learning their weird vocabulary and ordering like a normal person.

Pizza drivers are usually high schoolers/college kids, especially before the economy tanked. It’s all well and good to expect adults and cops to do this, but high schoolers/college kids or kids on their first couple jobs may feel powerless to stop it and it’s understandable that they don’t stand up. Don’t get me

In my head, on your 22nd birthday your dad took you aside, but his arm around you, and said “Now that you’re 22 I have something to tell you...”

I definitely respect your opinion, but that wasn’t my reading of the books. I didn’t get that impression about Grossman trying to treat his main character like a hero. I actually kind of liked that Quentin was heavily flawed. He learned from his mistakes and there were definitely times, especially in the first book,

Yeah, it’s harder for me to think of literary examples since I’m much quicker to drop a book than a tv series, but for me I didn’t hate the characters, they seemed ok to me, and I liked the story and world building enough to continue. The characters got better as they matured, which corresponds to my real life

I’m disappointed with how conventionally good looking Quentin is. I didn’t get the sense in the books that he was that good looking and I thought that fueled his character to some degree. Maybe I’m wrong, and of course it’s tv.

I can see this. But I don’t think you have to like characters to enjoy something. Think of Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm (both of which I liked). But I can sympathize with this, as I hate the show Girls for much the same reason...

Was your school founded by a Mr. Tom Servo and if so may I enroll?

Like, he was using it as slang but didn’t know what it was slang for?

I loved her in Gilmore Girls and I think it is a shame if she’s not offered other parts. I have no idea what she is being offered or if she is happy with her career. But like other people said before me, as long as she is happy with her career I am happy for her.

I think the point was it wasn’t just that game. Yeah, it didn’t factor into the Super Bowl (because they weren’t allowed to use their own people) or really the Indy game (they would have won anyway), but the Baltimore game was really close. What if they deflated there? It could have made the difference. Or, if the

I can relate to how he feels and I do think Brady is a scapegoat. This will have huge implications for the Pats, but in the end it is only football... If I were you I’d probably walk around talking about how lucky those people in Nepal are because their quarterback wasn’t suspended. Oh, did you hear about all those

Ah, that wasn’t the case when I originally commented. They did originally make it sound like they were temporarily disabling the x-boxes.

I don’t think that that’s true. There are limits to what you can put into a contract. I don’t think they apply to bricking systems but the pet thing is definitely not legal.

The extra revenue is mentioned in the article. But your details about other colleges are appreciated.