
People always share really heartwarming ghost stories in this contest. This isn’t that exactly, but I hope it’s the prelude to someone else’s heartwarming ghost story.

Give it some time, I’m sure The Herb can run them into obscurity too.

Here’s the top reasons you said you hate discussions summarized as a slideshow.

Of course he doesn’t realize that. He literally waits for stories like these to appear before he comments. He probably also doesn’t realize that there used to a specific Kinja site for political news that got the cut after a certain merger, and that big numbers coverage has to go somewhere.

I was shocked when I heard about him and then saw that he hadn’t been written about extensively. I am working on other things about him that I can’t be specific about. But, in the meantime, check out these two things if you’ve already:

Not the same without Fawncay Kristen.

This listicle format is evil.

Sounds like it’s run by the herbs of G/O Media, with that level of editorial finesse!

^^^^^ so much this.

This new format of not scrolling but instead clicking next is stupid.  I click next but then still have to scroll to see two paragraphs.  What’s wrong with scroll format??

This reminds me of the Jalopnik from 4 years ago, random interesting stories about random things that were connected in one way or another to the automotive world.

The way it flies off at the end, are there dead aliens in the trunk?

Somewhere, Travis McGee is smiling.

Splinter was a damn good website.

I don’t understand. Why is Dora not turning and looking at me every two minutes and asking me to help her? Did Dora forget I was there? Is she giving me the silent treatment all of a sudden? I thought we were FRIENDS, you backstabber!

I was very disappointed when I realized that that image was photoshopped and that the real Alpha Romeo Tamale won’t look like that.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Maybe this will be the year someone will top “Look at Me”.

Me wait ALL YEAR for this moment. ALL YEAR.