
Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

how dare you raise your voice at me after all this time, buster. If you think riley wasn’t behind wades recruitment of LeBron and bosh in 2010 (of which I am still proud), I have a bridge to sell you. Also, the new rules include players, unless I’m reading the article wrong. Stick to song brackets

“Whatever, haters, you’re just mad because he’s on the Patriots!”

Yes, what a total surprise that the developing points of a story which was already reported on would only get a small blurb as an update rather than a full article.

ProJared: “I can show one person lied yet all I can claim is that the other must be a liar because they have a mental illness and as we all know all people with mental illnesses are liars 100% of the time and it’s fine for me (a married man) to request nudes from fans online as I was creating a “welcoming environment”

noooo dont correct her spelling your so sexy ahah

You really can’t dis-aggregate misogyny from racism and other bigotries. They go hand-in-hand the vast majority of the time.

It’s a troll.  Nothing in there is sincere.

Do some research, immigrants are net positive on the economy. Even illegal ones from third world countries. 

Wholly fuck you’re mentally challenged.

If everything is so hunky-dory then he should welcome the union talk and be confident that a no vote would prevail. What you cannot do is threaten folks who see to even pursue this option, whether or not it is eventually voted for not.

Counterpoint: don’t steal poor people’s shit.

Hell yes, was not expecting to find a pro-steal-shit-from-poor-homeless-people advocate in this comment section, but I love to be surprised. Big fan of just wrecking the shit of people who have so little after using them for photo ops.

Yes, PAX needs these jabronis to advertise their show for them. Seems legit.

Anti-PC is given an assumption of reasonableness that I don’t understand. If people are forced to actually articulate their anti-PC positions, they’re usually dumb.

Anti-PC is given an assumption of reasonableness that I don’t understand. If people are forced to actually articulate their anti-PC positions, they’re usually dumb.

“What part of political correctness really goes beyond treating people the way you would like to be treated? Do you just want to be able to use racial slurs with impunity or something?”


I have a former roommate that seems to have fallen into conservatism in the last couple years. I don’t think he’s a true believer but he does seem like he spends too much time on reddit. He makes occasional snarky comments about SJWs and Political Correctness. The last time I asked him he said something along

When I hear people are who are “anti-PC”, basically all they’re saying is that “I should be able to say the most vile and grosses things possible, and I should not be called out on it!” News flash people, you absolutely have a right to say nasty things, just like others are allowed to call you a PoS for saying it!

“Libertarians get upset when company goes against them for a change.”