No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.
No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.
i believe it is what astute reader’s call......................a game review
I was already 20 when Ichiro joined MLB and I think I’d thought I was years past the part of my life where a professional athlete could ever be the kind of immortal, larger-than-life figure that, say, Michael Jordan or Lawrence Taylor or Martina Navratilova had seemed to be when I was a kid. But Ichiro was—and in lots…
Because unless you’re a Dick Cheney with an incompetent President, the VP is a job that is basically a PR person when the POTUS can’t be bothered to show up. It’s a prestige position that’s a transition into retirement, barring a crisis.
The fact that the two of them soldiered on with their press conference in light of the incredibly amazing internet drubbing they got yesterday is honestly hysterical and sad at the same time. This is what happens when a 20-year-old has already gone through a major legal proceeding and got off with a slap on the wrist.…
“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”
There are two arguments to be considered here:
The first is that it is incumbent upon the Senate to hear out any and all potential concerns surrounding a SCOTUS nominee, be they nominated by a Republican or Democratic President (or a third party, at some point in the future—though if we’re honest with ourselves, the…
Despair is so useless.
He was free to express himself. And he was free to get his ass kicked. The system still works.
Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.
I don’t endorse violence of any kind, but, honestly, if you’re a Trump supporter what the fuck are you doing at a punk rock concert to begin with?
I don’t think this is that big of a deal. Now if people are threatening his life (I’m sure somebody has by now) then that guy has gone too far. But I don’t think that by yelling “You suck” you are quite as bad as a 17 year old who shit posts the N-word. And to compare this to a person rebuilding their life after…
I would agree, but I also believe that because of the resources and connections that Simmons has created over his career, that the docs don’t get made the way they do. Once again, fuck Simmons, but the man has the resources
The Andre the Giant documentary was fantastic. The 30 for 30s he produced have, for the most part, been great. I do not like complimenting Bill Simmons or seeing him happy, but the only good things he’s created in this world are sports documentaries; and I’m fully aware that he has children.
I didn’t even notice the shirt at first. I thought Green was mocking LeBron by just having a natural hairline.
And this was with Lonzo playing the best defense he’s played all season.
Counterpoint. He is butt.
To be honest, what more did you want? He got up there, he effectively rebuked Trump without embarrassing us or himself, and he managed to express a positive vision for America. I thought he was pretty inspiring.
Lawyer: We’re going to get to the bottom of this.