
I agree with all of her points. However, I do not agree with her going to prom with Joey just to piss off Bianca. What is that shit?

That's why they use it, to reduce a woman down to her reproductive system. It's interesting that he used that term and then seems shocked that women from his party decided they would like agency over theirs.

The use of "females" instead of "women" drives me up the motherfucking wall.

"Our Republican females"

Judging from the juvenile reply OP gave to this comment, your spot-on response struck a nerve.

Morality has no place in legislation. Public policy is about providing and maintaining public services and infrastructure and protecting fundamental "natural" human rights inherent to every person. I do not believe it's "immoral" to pay me less than a male physician of the same education and experience. Morality

Yup. That concern for life starts at conception.

You're talking about fully formed, living human beings vs. fetuses. It's an insult to equate the two.

I eat out fairly frequently, in both the Midwest and New England, and I very, very rarely, if ever, come across a server who genuinely deserves the descriptor "nasty".

The use of 'mother' irks me to no end. Not all of these women have children already. Some, I'd wager, do not want to be a mother. Hence the termination. Language matters!

Yeah, but they hate hearing things like how the vast majority occur in the first trimester and the reason later ones occur are often health related or the pregnant person didn't know they were pregnant or couldn't get access earlier. What is also great about these time limits is that when coupled with things like:

AKA the "Logic-Incapable Old White Guy Defense of Dominance Act."

Look, if someone has an abortion after 20 weeks it is because they really, really need it. An abortion at that stage of pregnancy, though safe, is no stroll through wine country.

Fuck everyone's easy forgetfulness. There are people still alive who remember what pre-Roe abortion was like. We need to hear from those people and we need to hear from them right now, and loudly.

This all despite the fact that fetuses cannot feel pain at 20 weeks. They also cannot survive a live birth at 20 weeks. It's proven that "fetal pain" is more or less not a thing.

UUUGGGHHH I know. We're the Heart Of It All and this guy is dropping idiot bombs and orange tears all over the name of our proud awesome state.

I am legit disgusted here, not just because John Boehner is a blight on my state and on the House, but because in WHAT WORLD is it okay or appropriate to kiss a coworker? That's sexual harassment 101.

Leslie Knope is all of us.

What a fan fiction that would be.

I . . . I didn't even realize that women going to college was something you could be mad about anymore.