
Kotaku about games? What are you talking about?

Promoting because, hey, it's his channel! Thanks, this was pretty entertaining

"We’ve also been contacted by PayPal due to a high number of people asking for their donations back. "

Sometimes I wonder why certain people (myself included) have stars. You, sir, deserve yours. I was about to write an angry hateful seven paragraph diatribe and in 1/4 of the words, you managed to say most of what I was thinking in an eloquent and logical way. I tip my hat to you

Lose respect for your peers. Regardless of the spin that Child's Play may or may not be putting on this, one simple fact remains: Gamers want a refund from a charity because they found out it was going to sick kids instead of a new ending to a video game. Those people I have lost all respect for.

Congratulations, you are the reason I keep seeing 30 paragraph long guest articles on gender tolerance instead of gaming articles. Yes, you, m1nd, are part of the problem with your narrow-mindedness and bigotry. This seems to be your first post, and I definitely hope it is your last as well. As this comment has

Thank you, Fahey, for the Phantom Dust shout out. I loved that game!


But thats what seems to be missing here...with all due respect, I don't that you're ________, because it doesn't matter on Kotaku, the gaming site. I'm not gay, but I've been called a f**. I'm not black, but I've been called a n*****. I'm not defending their right to say it, but I'm not wasting everybody elses time

As others have stated, you are disguising a maturity issue with a gender issue. While gender does occasionally come up on the gawker boards, people usually go onto Kotaku to talk about games. The only time I have even mentioned my race or gender was on a Gizmodo column about the whitewashing of The Last Airbender.

I like to use Evernote for my journal needs. It may not be as fancy, but it works for me. As a matter of fact, I like to use Evernote for pretty much everything, now that I think about it. It's damn useful.

Thanks! That made my day!

Actually, back in the day, the star (while still a bit of a caste system) was a way for people to promote new readers and get familliar with people that took more time to think out their posts. While some people didn't deserve stars (and at some point others did), it was mostly balanced. Since the reboot (and

Eh, I see what you mean, but I think it's intentions are good. I know a few people who have become more active due to foursquare. They will get a notification that a friend is somewhere drinking and join them. While a mass text would do the same thing, most people aren't going to mass text their friends every time

So, it's supported by Windows, Mac OS, iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad OS, 360, Wii and Playstation 3(also some tvs defaultly, windows media center, and other assorted junk). It's not supported on Linux, Android, Blackberry, and I imagine most or all dumb phones (the dumb phones is about as much of an argument as saying your

Not to get in the middle of things, but I thought QMurphys comment was harmless...what's the deal?

I actually agree with this. As a gamefly user, many of the games I play are used, but if I like a game enough, I'll definitely pony up the cash to buy it new. I don't see it as a ripoff at all.

Reminds me of when I used to put my NES cartridges in the toaster...they usually worked fine until I started buttering them.

It was my first thought (and it's true), but it's too damn easy!

These are all very good points...I have nothing else to add