
So with the new redesign, I come onto Gawker site A so that I can click a link to Gawker site B for the information because somebody got Gizmodo confused with Twitter...awesome. Thanks for wasting my time. Let me save some of yours.

Also, the awesome Amy Okuda of The Guild fame, right?

Bah...we're living in a day and age where every game has youtube videos and walkthroughs. Super Guide doing it for you is more or less the same thing. I don't know if I would personally use it, but I don't enjoy platformers, so it's a bit of a moot point. If you guys think its a badge of pride to spend 2 hours

@Jaden: Oh, and one more clarification...it seems like this got moved to Gawker media...it was on Kotaku when I wrote it. Sorry if that confuses anybody

This is sensationalist journalism at its best (or worst). I've seen this on a few of the affiliate websites as well, and it was pretty much massively scorned by commenters. Kotaku has some great writers and great articles; please don't besmirch it with a highly inaccurate article, especially one with so little to do

@strich: Obviously, somebody didn't watch enough Tiny Toons growing up!

@LeepNasty: On the flip side, I would pay good money to see Harry Potter get hit with chairs and fall of ladders...

@showbiz2: You are wrong...it's pretty funny either way.

@cmoyano: I really, really don't see that as being true. To each their own, however.

@SwatLax: It's still okay to do by hashtag, though...right?

@Woden501: I think I have the one they made right after that one...or the one before...it has a red flame top...I love it, except for the fact that one of the fans went out, so now it overheats like a mother.

@deny-everything: Wow, the Bungie-hating bandwagon is starting to become trendier than the Bungie-loving one. A few things here:

@DocTaotsu: Not at all stereotypical to assume that an asian character in an american movie based on an american comic book character that speaks fluent american (maybe english should be the better term, there). Not at all stereotypical.

@jinchoung: Sex and race are two different things...I see what you're going for, but I don't agree. If they made a movie where a woman got pregnant, that's normal. They make the same movie with a man, that's a comedy. Sex is not arbitrary due to upbringing and the fact that the bodies work entirely different

Here's my issue, if anybody is still reading. While everybody is happy that an asian will play her, the only person I've seen pointed out seriously is "Knives." I probably can't name ten asians, and there is a pretty simple reason for that: caucasions vastly outnumber them in America. You're looking for a female

@Archaotic: Eh...I enjoyed it. The graphics may not be the best and it lacks story, but it ranks high for me on overall fun factor. This coming from someone who can't stand Monster Hunter. For fifteen bucks, I really didn't expect them to reinvent the wheel.

Sorry if someone posted this already, but Stray Bullets is an amazing read, in my opinion.

@Brandroid: Most people seem to think Runaways went downhill after Vaughn left. As much as I love Whedon, he didn't really help the series much.