U are what's wrong u racist bitch take your own advice it isn't always just the whites who are racist more racism from blacks by far now days
U are what's wrong u racist bitch take your own advice it isn't always just the whites who are racist more racism from blacks by far now days
youre an unoriginal fucktard lmao, oh no. you told him to kill himself, guess he better go have suicidal thoughts like that bitch made man Jonathan Martin lmaooo. Fuck some of you people are actually braindead.
Another well thought out rebuttal. You clearly dont know enough to present a valid argument so instead you just tell anyone you disagree with to kill themselves. Good job
Believe it or not football is a business, and the owners are primarily concerned with making money. Colin Kaepernick does not have a job because a lot of people who currently buy the NFL’s and their sponsors’ products hate him and rightly so. He doesn’t have a job because putting him on your team will cost you money.…
O cry me a fucking river if he’d of signed with ur teams you d of loved it! Is the NFL racist, duh you morons. Richie is a all pro gaurd, wasn’t employed by NFL at time. Those guns he had legally carried. You bitches that talk all this shit probably got some Dido’s in ur closet or some freak fetish of plugging half…
That’s a big fucking stretch, dude.
Due process and rule of law are for courtrooms because they codify just behavior.
Imagine thinking Norm MacDonald was going to be some paragon of woke-ness though
On Norm’s podcast he had a recurring gag that his cohost was a holocaust denier. It’s no surprise that he’d defend the Trump presidency. I think it’s a combination of being contrarian and trolling.
Yeah...This is mostly some hot take bullshit. They’re cherry picking some dicey quotes, but some of it’s really intellectually dishonest. Like the “Loony Left” comment, AV Club specifically cut out the part where he says that he was in a bubble about racism, and the Sacha Cohen show really showed him just how fucked…
If you’re legitimately surprised by any of this, you haven’t been paying attention to Norm MacDonald for his entire career. That being said, who cares? Of course these would be his takes. Norm MacDonald is not the comic AVClub wants him to be, even if it hasn’t realized that for the past, oh i don’t know, ever.
You know what, every day people say things that are incorrect or only half thought out. I’m sure Norm didn’t take five mins between questions to think real hard about his replies or to consult his team of handlers (as if). Words aren’t crime. I don’t think this interview makes Norm a #metoo apologist or makes him some…
It’s probably best to read the whole THR article than to take this AVNEWS article as your only source for the matter. The snippets of the answers here do not do justice to the contents of the answers. This is poorly and hastily published.
Louis CK has always been a fairly boring piece of fart.
“I live in L.A., where I’m always faced with the lunacy of the left. I didn’t know that the same lunacy existed on the right. So I never really bought into this notion that everybody is racist — because there was a black president, you know? But the Sacha Baron Cohen show has been a frightening eye-opener. I was…
Good. Fuck you puritanical pearl-clutching progressive pussies. What do want to do, destroy his career over his opinions? When did the left become so predictable and lame? He's a comedian. Who gives a fuck.
The hot takes are not terribly surprising to me. Norm definitely seems the type to be dismissive.
Talk about taking an interview out of context. Fella didn't say anything wrong.
Eh, that’s Norm. He’s never been that guy who just says what you want him to. How is at all surprising he has opinions that are controversial to some people.
“ Norm Macdonald thinks we’d all be better off if we went back to the days when everyone assumed women were lying about abuse or harassment”